Action Plan

I will be doing continuous exercises each week like running 1 mile to start off with. I will then increase this in the next week using overload to try and improve my cardiovascular endurance I will be doing low weights with lots of repetitions. Using the principle of overload I will increase the number of repetitions for the next week to try and improve my muscular endurance. Record of Implementation of Action Plan I will record how many miles I have run (distance) and how quickly I have done (time) it each week.

Each week the distance will increase and I will record the time I get for it each session. There will be columns for week, distance and time. I will record the weights that I lift (Kg), the number of repetitions and sets and the time that I complete each session in. Each week I will increase the number of repetitions that I do (overload) and then record the time that I complete the new session in. There will be columns for size of weights, number of repetitions and time the session is completed in.

Method of Evaluating Plan

I will aim to run the full distance that is set for the session. I will use the times that I get for each session and at the end of the week I will evaluate it by seeing if my time has improved through the week. The next week will have a longer distance and at the end of the week I will see whether my time has improved which means that my cardiovascular endurance will be improving. I will aim to finish the number of repetitions that is in each session. After one week I will increase the number of repetitions using the principle of overload. In each week I will then see if the time that I finish each session has improved which will mean that my muscular endurance has improved.

Evaluation of Action Plan

I will evaluate my action plan using a fitness test such as the multi-stage fitness test, and if my score improves from before, I know that my cardiovascular endurance has improved. I will evaluate my action plan using a fitness test like the press-up test and the abdominal curl test. I will use both tests as it will measure my muscular endurance in my arms and my abdominal muscles. If my score has improved from before I know that my muscular endurance has improved. I will be doing weight training where I will be lifting weights in certain repetitions and sets. This will mainly be high weights with low repetitions. For example I will start off with 15 Kg- repetition of 5 times in sets of 3. I will then use the principle of overload to increase the weight next week to try and improve my muscular strength.

Record of Implementation of Action Plan

I will record the weights that I lift (Kg), the number of repetitions and sets and the time that I complete each session in. Each week I will increase the size of the weights that I do (overload) and I will record the time that I complete the new session in. There will be columns for size of weights, number of repetitions/sets and time the session is completed in.

Method of Evaluating Plan

I will aim to finish the number of repetitions that is in each session. After one week I will increase the size of weights using the principle of overload. In each week I will then see if the time that I finish each session has improved which will mean that my muscular strength has improved, and I could judge it personally as I would find it easier by the end of the week.

Evaluation of Action Plan

I will evaluate my action plan using a fitness test that measures muscular strength such as the handgrip test using a hand grip dynamometer since this will measure effectively the muscular strength in my arms which are the most important, and if my score improves from before, I know that my muscular strength has improved.  This match would also give me another advantage as I would be able to test out my improved fitness factors in a real match situation, and I will be able to see if I have improved as an all-rounder in cricket. Review of the Whole Programme: It was very important to identify my strengths and weaknesses because this helped along with the graph to decide which two are the most important physical factors I must train in order to improve as an all-rounder.

I then chose the two factors I needed to improve and made an action plan based on how I would improve this. Following the training programme was very hard as I had not followed a training programme like this before so I had to motivate myself to carry on with the programme every day. The lack of variety did not help my motivation as by the end of the six weeks I had almost learned what I was going to every day as it always followed the same order but with different distances and different number of repetitions. I could have improved this by including another session based on improving these two factors that would change every week. This would have helped to make my training programme and so it would have been much easier for me to motivate myself to carry out the training programme.

My method of evaluation was quite good as I had used lots of different methods to try and see if these factors had improved. By using more methods I made sure that the evaluation was more reliable and more likely to be correct.


GCSE PE for Edexcel- second edition

During the summer Holidays I will plan and carry out a personal exercise plan (PEP)that is suited to my needs and my dedicated sport in which I participate in, which is Basket Ball. This plan will include information on the …

I will apply frequency into my programme by doing my exercises on a regular basis; I will start with 2 sessions a week and then gradually increase the number of sessions over the 6-week period as my fitness improves. Intensity- …

Introduction- my personal exercise plan is going to be based on fitness. The reason why I chose fitness is because it’s the sport that I feel contsains the most amount of sport that I enjoy and am at my best …

The aim the overall coursework is to improve my ability to plan a training programme, perform it and evaluate it. It will also help to improve my knowledge and understanding of the skills needed in rounders. The programme that has …

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