Personal exercise plan

Introduction- my personal exercise plan is going to be based on fitness. The reason why I chose fitness is because it’s the sport that I feel contsains the most amount of sport that I enjoy and am at my best level at. I have certain aspects of my fitness level I could improve on such as my cardiovascular endurance and strength for my cariovalscular endurance would be my weakest aspect for when running my i start to become less towards the end of the game, which is 90 minutes. Usually footballers will be expected to be physically strong, mentally strong, fit and dedicated.

In my pep I am focusing on two main aims, which will help me improve on my game. My aims: for my chosen sport I have made two main aims in which to improve on, these two main aims will be cardiovascular endurance and muscular strength. The reason why I have chosen these two aims is because to be a good footballer you must maintain your level of performance and to be physically strong, I chose these because I believe it will improve my performance in a game situation.

One of my aims is to improve my muscular strength. Improving my muscular strength in football will help me be stronger on the ball, win more tackles and be strong passing the ball. Improving my muscular strength will directly improve my game in the way it is played professionally. To improve my muscular strength I will use circuit training and continuous training. To be a good footballer you must be able to run up and down the football pitch, so one of my aims is cardiovascular endurance, my position involves running back to help defence and also running forward to be an open pass, so you have to be fit enough to do this, therefore I have chosen this to improve my stamina so I can become a much better right midfielder. To improve my cardiovascular fitness I will use fartlek training and circuit training session.

Training methods When exercising there are five different methods, which enable you to prepare every physical aspects of the exercise you are doing. The five training methods are: 1.Continious -Continuous training means the person training is using about 60-80% of their energy for a long period of time, this type of training is useful for long distance runners, or sports which involves a lot of running. 2.Interval- short, moderate to high-intensity bursts of effort over a short distance. Interval training is usually used to improve speed. So this would be useful for basketball players and athletes.

3.Fartlek-Fartlek is a form of road running or cross-country running in which the runner, usually solo, varies the pace significantly during the run. This sort of training is good for any sport, which involves having a high level of cardiovascular fitness, such as football, rugby, tennis, middle to long distance running and basketball 4.Circuit-a combination of aerobic and weight training exercises arranged in a circuit or sequence, circuit training is a great way to improve the physical aspects of your sport such as strength, stamina and mobility. A circuit training session would contain about 6-10 different stations where you have to complete different exercise one after the other without a break.

5.Weights-Development of strength with the use of weight lifting and based on the overload principle, this type of training is common for rugby and football because they rely on their muscular strength in the sport they play. During my six-week plan I have chosen to focus on fartlek training, continuous training and circuit training. The reason I have chosen fartlek training is because during a football match I will be running at different speeds for different amounts of time and I will need to be able to cope with this is a match situation.

Also I have chose to do continuous training so that I can improve my muscular strength which today, most people need to be a good footballer, for example you need to be able to hold a defender off. Finally I have chosen to do circuit training session, which will involve strength and fitness work, which will help improve on my two chosen aims. Training threshold To ensure that I am improving my cardiovascular fitness I will measure my heart rate at every training to check that the right training is doing the right job for improving my fitness. I will measure my resting heart rate after every training session.

To improve my cardiovascular fitness I will need to push my heart between 60-80% of its maximum heart rate. Therefore before I start my six-week training course I need to find out what 60-80% of my maximum heart rate was. To find this out you need to take your age away from 220, therefore that will give you your maximum heart rate. My maximum heart rate is 205 beats per minute. I then calculated that 60-80% of my maximum heart rate was between 120-160 beats per minute.

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