Specific fitness

For general fitness, an individual needs to be in good health and be able to carry out every day tasks comfortably. She or he should also take part in a number of physical activities at a low level of performance some individuals may be able to compete at a relatively high level in a particular activity due to natural ability or because they have acquired a high skill level in that activity. General Fitness is a type of fitness that is done by a person everyday without getting tired e.g. walking.

I go to Allerton Grange High School and I come to school on the a bus and when I walk from my house to the bus stop I don’t run out of breath plus when I am at home and I am walking up and down the stairs I don’t get tired so this shows that my general fitness is good. Specific fitness: Definition: This is necessary if the activity in which the individuals take part is particularly demanding or if they are competing at a high level. It is therefore an extension of general fitness because the physical demands require that the individuals must prepare very carefully for the specific needs of that activity. Natural ability and skill alone will not be enough to compete at the highest level, where specific fitness is essential.

Specific fitness is a type of fitness area that is used in different sports e.g. Speed: football, Agility: rugby, Stamina: long distance, Lower body strength: bike riding and upper body strength: weightlifting. I play for CFYDC U15 (Chapeltown Football Youth Development Centre) football team which is a local Sunday league team. We have two training sessions a week on a Wednesday I go to training for an hour from 5pm till 6pm and on a Saturday I go for 2hours from 09:30am till 11:30am so I could be picked for our match on a Sunday against other teams within Leeds.

Health and Injuries: I don’t smoke, take any drugs or drink therefore I don’t have any sort of health problems and I don’t have any injuries at the moment so as a result I can play any sports what so ever to the best of my ability. This shows that I am in peak condition. Sport and Position: I have chosen football as my favourite sport because I generally think that out of all the sport I enjoy playing football, I am a good player and it is entertaining to watch professional players play on TV as well. When I play for my 11 a side football team I play in defence (Left Back) because I enjoy sliding about, winning the ball back for my team and running down the wing and crossing the football in to the 6yrd box for my team mates to head the ball towards goal or to volley the ball into the top corner.

I admire Roberto Carlos Da Silva who plays in defence (Left Back) for Fenerbah�e football club and Brazil in the world cup or any international stages. Football is a game which I enjoy very much and I have been playing for about 10 years. Within primary school I took an interest in football and since then I have continued playing. I am part of the school team, my local football team which is near my house and have participated in many competitive and non-competitive games and tournaments. This shows that I have a lot of experience for this game and this has improved my ability to play football.

Focus of your training: I have chosen Agility for my aspect of fitness because e.g. it will improve on dodging opponents when counter attacking down the wing from left back and I have also chosen Lower Body Strength because e.g. it will help me improve on putting more speed behind my passes and take more powerful shots when on the breaks. Agility is the ability to change body position and direction quickly and with accuracy. In football you need to do this to move into spaces to receive the ball and to pass the ball to other members in your team. Agility is important to football as it’s a starting and stopping game.

There are three types of strength and they are: 1. Static Strength is required when competing for the football in situations where not a lot of movement can be made e.g. defending a free kick close to the goal that drops into a congested goal mouth. 2. Explosive strength this is when we use our muscles to produce a very quick movement e.g. this is needed to jump up to catch a football and to quickly accelerate when running to raise a ball or to get away from opposition players. 3. Dynamic strength e.g. muscular force is needed to compete for any sort of challenge in a football match. Improving my agility and lower body strength will improve my football because with my lower body strength I will be able to jump high up in the air and then head the football away from danger and agility will improve my skills on the ball and on how to get past players while breaking from defence.

This day will be a day of rest allowing my body to recover after the previous days and previous weeks activities. This is very important as doing too much exercise can create a negative effect rather than a positive one …

To work on you fitness, you first need to know and understand the aspects of it so it’s clear what you need to do to improve it. Being fit is central to our health and to our sense of well-being. Health …

The purpose of taking part in this programme is to examine how physically fit I am, whether in General or Specific fitness. At the moment my fitness level can be classed as ‘above average’, due to my ability to do …

Well the aim of my training program is to increase my fitness level after the six weeks of the program. It will also help develop my football skills and my stamina and endurance while playing football. My current fitness level …

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