Specific fitness points

This day will be a day of rest allowing my body to recover after the previous days and previous weeks activities. This is very important as doing too much exercise can create a negative effect rather than a positive one on my fitness and my two specific fitness points. During the day I will also perform tests, these are stated earlier in the planning, the results of these tests will help me to know whether my fitness is improving and therefore I can change the program accordingly.

Tuesday: This day is for continuous training, continuous training is when we exercise without rest intervals. There are two types of continuous training these are long, slow distance training and high intensity continuous training I will be doing the first of the two, long, slow distance training. For this I will work between 60-80% of my maximum heart rate. The activity, which I will be doing in this training, is running/jogging, I will do this for a time period of 30-60 minutes. Starting with 30mins I will work my way up to find the most appropriate time. This is important, as I must make sure that I am training at the right intensity. This type of training is usually used in out of season training however it is a training method, which I feel, will prove very good on improving my endurance and stamina.

Session: 1.) Warm up 2.) Jogging at 60-80% of my maximum heart rate for a set amount of time, which will increase as the program, goes on. Wednesday: This day will only contain one activity and this is squash. I will play one session of about one hours squash at a high level. Squash is a very high intensity game and is good for all aspects of fitness. Playing squash also breaks up the training giving it more variety, as I enjoy playing it, making sure it does not get boring and therefore me losing interest.

Thursday: Today’s session will be circuit-training session. Circuit training is a method of training. A circuit usually has 7 to 15 stations, where at each station a different exercise is carried out for a certain amount of time. Circuit training can improve muscular endurance, cardiovascular endurance, aerobic fitness, muscular strength, speed and agility. My circuit will focus on muscular endurance and strength this being upper body strength. It is important that each station work a different muscle group so that one group does not get over worked and cause damage to my body and that group. Due to this I will ensure that in my program a different muscle group is worked in each station.

A circuit-training program may also be designed for a certain sport. Circuits for this purpose will include exercises to improve all the muscles and skills associated with the sport. Example: A circuit training program for basketball should include skills like jumping, catching or throwing. As my sport is football and I am in mid season I will incorporate ball skills into my circuit. These activities will keep my skills sharp so that my performance in games stays at the every maximum that it can.

Throughout the program as my fitness increases I can make the circuit harder thus improving my fitness even more by a number of things these are: Increasing the number of stations Increasing the time spent at each stations Increasing number of complete circuits. Decreasing the rest time between each station. So a circuit is a perfect example of progression, your body takes time to adapt to the increased demands on it. So you should build up your exercise level gradually. But once it reaches a certain level when it can comfortably deal with the level of exercise, it will not improve anymore. This is called plateauing. To prevent this from happening the exercises must be made progressively harder to ensure that the body continues to improve.

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Introduction- my personal exercise plan is going to be based on fitness. The reason why I chose fitness is because it’s the sport that I feel contsains the most amount of sport that I enjoy and am at my best …

In this coursework I am aiming to improve a component of my fitness over a period of time, and to do this I need to understand fully the principles of training that will be affecting my program: The Principle of …

My circuit was well planned. I knew exactly when and where each exercise was going to be set out because I had a trial run, to test out all my stations. I also knew what equipment I needed and how …

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