Principles of Training

To achieve my aims and objectives I used the principles of training to help me. I used specificity to concentrate on certain aspects to improve my game, e. g. I went swimming to improve my cardio vascular fitness, because this is probably the best ay to do it and I also like swimming a lot, which makes my training a bit more interesting. I used overload to make sure that the training I am doing is taking effect an to make sure that I am progressing. I used frequency to increase the number of times I trained.

I used intensity to increase how hard I trained e. g. pushing myself to the limit. I used type to vary the training I was doing, e. g. one day I would go swimming to raise my cardio vascular fitness and the next day I would be in the gym doing some resistance training. And finally I used the principle of training, time, to increase the duration of the session in order so that I would benefit and improve, e. g. as my training schedule went on, I increased the amount of time I was training for. Methods of Training

The methods of training that I used throughout my training schedule were continuous, interval, resistance and circuit. Continuous training was used when I went jogging. I used interval training when I was swimming, I started off by swimming 4 lengths of the pool and then having a 1 minute rest, I then gradually increased the amount of lengths that I swam and made the rest periods shorter so that I could overload my training. I used resistance training when I went in the gym, this was to help me in basketball so I could be more aggressive whilst playing.

And finally I used circuit training when I went to basketball practice, mainly to improve my shooting, defending, working as a team and to further my knowledge of the game. I designed a circuit plan that we used at basketball training: Circuit Plan for Basketball Overall Aim: To improve hand to eye co-ordination, agility, strength and speed required to play basketball. Session Aim: My aim is to elevate the heart rate into my training zone and hold it in this zone until the main activity has finished

Session Outline: Warm Up, Main Activity, Cool Down. Equipment: Basketballs, basketball hoops, cones. Warm Up: 1. Jog around sports hall (5 laps) 2. Mobilise joints and stretch out muscles. Main Activity: 1. Right-handed lay ups, after 5, switch to left-handed lay ups 2. Hot feet – 2, 30 second bursts 3. Shooting 3 pointers from around the key (out of 20) 4. On the ball screens (5 minutes) 5. Shooting under pressure (out of 10) 6. Off the ball screens (5 minutes) 7. Free throws (out of 10) 8. Suicide run (twice) 9. 30 seconds rest.

10. 3 man weave (3 times) 11. Rebounding off backboard (Whole team 50 – twice) 12. Dribble around cones (3 times) 13. Game of killer to finish off. Cool Down: 1. Slow jog around sports hall 2. Stretch out muscles (hold longer than warm up) Review: I think this circuit plan went very well and has been tested and proved to be very successful with the players. I plan to talk to the local basketball coach to see if I can get some more tips on how to improve my circuit so it does not become boring for the participants.

The total time for the main activity will be 30 minutes after that I will do a cool down 5minute passing session and a 5minute jog and a 5minute stretch Week 4 Sunday Today I will play a 40 minute minute match I …

I want to get more fitter because I want to play as a centre midfielder in football, I have not had any injuries in the past apart from a few back problems. I think that for someone who is 14 years …

When I was putting my pep together I had to consider all aspects of the principles of training Specificity – is based around the idea that all exercises should be relevant and appropriate to the sport for which they are training. …

Specificity- we must train for our own particular sport, and on specific areas of our body in relation to our sport. We need to use a training programme that puts regular stress on the muscle groups we are concerned with. …

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