All aspects of the principles of training 

When I was putting my pep together I had to consider all aspects of the principles of training Specificity – is based around the idea that all exercises should be relevant and appropriate to the sport for which they are training. For example it would be pointless for a swimmer to do the majority of training on line, as it does not use the same muscle fibres in the same way. So in my exercise plan I am planning to have some specific skills in my pep that will help my technique in a race e.g. shuttle sprints.

Progressive overload – the rule is based around the intensity of the training session, though training of the individual should be at such an intensity where they feel under some strength if they are to achieve overload. E.g. a sprinter may run further then they are required to in a race. While the individual is training if they train on a regular basis they will adapt and cope with the stresses they are under during exercise, so the intensity of training will have to increase gradually.

This is progression and can be applied by increasing weights, running faster or further, or training for longer periods at a time. I will change my intensity gradually throughout my pep by increasing the time at a station or by increasing the amount of time in which I complete a circuit, but I will only do this when and as I feel that I am finding my pep too physically easy and that it not challenging enough.

Reversibility – this is when our bodies have adapted to the stress by becoming able to cope with that intensity of fitness. Anyone’s muscles could become atrophy in a matter of weeks as they deteriorate and lose their gained fitness. To avoid reversibility I must regularly exercise and retain an intensity where i am causing some stress so that my muscles do not lose the ability to use oxygen as efficiently. Individual differences – this suggests that a training programme may work for one individual and may not benefit another. Programmes are set to meet the individual’s aims and abilities. I must make this programme individual to my needs age and gender to gain a beneficial outcome.

F=frequency of training I=intensity of exercise T=time or duration of exercise T= type of training This principle of training is based around the idea that all things have to be considered and monitored during training to achieve maximum results. Frequency of training – because I am training to increase speed I will have to train about 3 to 4 times a week at an intense level, and I should have sufficient rest days to let my body repair itself and body tissue.

Intensity of exercise – to look at intensity I will monitor how many reps I can complete at a station for 30 seconds and keep a record of my improvements, I will increase the intensity by increasing the time at each station or the amount of times that I complete a full circuit. I will increase the intensity in much the same way that I would apply the progressive overload. Time or duration of exercise – I will try and keep each session to a constant time so it is not more apparent that I have had more rest periods on one day than another unless I am trying to increase intensity.

The principle of training that I will be using is progression and overload, I want to progress gradually and not be too swift or too frequent in my workout routine, so as not to cause any injury. As I get stronger I will increase the weight I will be using as my 1 rep max improves; also I will increase the amount of time at each station so I can maximise the amount of reps I can exert. In particular the higher the intensity levels the more likely I am to overload. How frequently I do my circuit is another factor; if I was to repeat my circuit 3 times and do the workout 2 times a week I would be progressing in how often I exercise a week. I will monitor my progress by looking at the amount of reps I can do at each station, and comparing this to my previous maximal reps.

Awareness of safety aspects (equipment physical/physiological) I will be completing my pep at college in the hall and at the gym or at home which will be in my garden, so the weather will be a factor in my safety at the station. I cannot compete inside because there is nowhere that I can sprint 10 metres safely. Although I will be doing this in the road I will have to be cautious of cars and also make sure that I am wearing good foot wear because the road isn’t a flat service. At the gym and at college I will be training with people around me that can help me if I need it. But at college and the gym I will have to set out my circuit so I am not obstructing other people when I am performing my circuit

Correct clothing is an important issue in all sports: a good pair of shoes is essential as I will be able complete the activities better, When I’m training at the garrison I have to wear spikes because they help me run faster but they are also quite dangerous by causing injuries by being spiked by my own or by others. Also a tracksuit keeps the body warm and this increases flexibility, which helps prevent injury during warm up and training. I will not wear jewellery during performing by pep either, because of potential hazards they could cause and also they would get in the way of some of my exercises. For all my training sessions I will need all different types of equipment: in station 7 I will be performing bunny hops, so I will need a bench to complete this station, as I need to support my weight on the bench whilst I jump over it.

The first principle of training is specificity. This means that each exercise I perform from my circuit will have a specific effect on that part of my body. Because my chosen sport is football it is fundamental that I train …

The first principle of training is specificity. This means that each exercise I perform from my circuit will have a specific effect on that part of my body. Because my chosen sport is football it is fundamental that I train …

Circuit training is excellent way to simultaneously improve mobility and build strength and flexibility. The great advantage of circuit training is that it can be used to develop strength, flexibility, power, local endurance, agility, anaerobic and aerobic capacities simultaneously (depending …

To achieve my aims and objectives I used the principles of training to help me. I used specificity to concentrate on certain aspects to improve my game, e. g. I went swimming to improve my cardio vascular fitness, because this …

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