The Main Principles of Training Programme

Specificity- we must train for our own particular sport, and on specific areas of our body in relation to our sport. We need to use a training programme that puts regular stress on the muscle groups we are concerned with. Progression- we must increase our training gradually; increase the amount of exercise of exercise we do. This places added stress on our body systems. We must add this stress in a progressive or gradual way. Overload- we must work harder than usual to improve the fitness of our various body systems. In order to do this, we must overload or stress them.

Our bodies will gradually adapt to cope with this extra work and we will become fitter. Reversibility- we will lose fitness when inactive. Our bodies are able to adapt to more stress by becoming fitter. Consequently, our bodies will adapt to less stress/ it only takes 3-4 weeks for our bodies to get out of condition. We can lose our aerobic fitness more easily than anaerobic as the muscles quickly lose much of their ability to use oxygen. Tedium- we must make our training programmes interesting. Tedium should be avoided by using a variety of enthusiasm. We can also avoid exercise injuries by varying the way we perform certain activities.

The principles of F. I. T. T. When planning a training programme, we need to think about frequency, intensity, time and type. These are called the F. I. T. T principles: Frequency- this is training frequently. We should train at least 3 times a week. Our bodies will need time to recover between sessions, so we should space them out over the week. Intensity- this is to work harder. We will not improve our fitness unless we work hard enough to make our body systems adapt. Time- if we wish to improve our aerobic fitness, we must make our training sessions longer, gradually over time. We should also increase the heart rate level at which we work.

Type- We should develop the right fitness and skills for our sport. Fitness is a blend of a number of physical qualities; fitness means different things to different people. A man who is fit work his work behind a computer may be dangerously for playing a game of squash, a marathon runner who people would see as very ‘fit’ may not be fit for lifting heavy weights. For this piece of coursework I am going to design a 5-week training programme in each week there will be 2 training sessions, one training session will be different each week and one session will be a set circuit training and will get progressively harder each week.

I am going to improve aspects of a football player’s game. The position of the player that I am going to try and improve is midfield. Here are the different ‘ingredients’ for fitness. I am going to try and make a training programme that will improve the following aspects I have chosen from the spider diagram that are most relevant to a football player: Sprint Heart/Lung Strength Strength These aspects will make a better midfield player, as and sprints are vital to beat other players to the ball. Midfielders need Heart/Lung strength so they can run for the whole 90 minutes, defending and attacking.

Strength, to win physical battles with the opposite team. I am going to concentrate on dynamic strength-this is the ability of the muscles to move or support the body mass continuously over an extended period of time. I am also going to improve flexibility, but I am not going to do any training sessions on it specifically, I am going to include lots of stretching in my warm-ups and cool-downs. I am going to complete the 5-week training programme and follow the programme myself and at the end evaluate it to see if I have become any fitter and have improved the three aspects that I have already mentioned.

Safety Safety is very important in sport, so to make sure that this training programme is safe and does not injure anybody I am going to include a warm-up before and cool-down after the training sessions. I am going to warm up specific muscles that might be injured e. g. hamstrings, quadriceps and calf’s before running exercises. I am also going to advise that cushioned trainers should be worn and most of the running exercises done on grass this should minimize the impact of running on joints especially the ankles and the knees.

To plan and structure a suitable training programme for a sport of my choice, taking into account the aspects and components of fitness principles I intend improve. We have to take into account its relevance to the activity, as well …

There are many principles of training that I have to consider when I am doing my six-week training course. Below is what these principles of training are and how they relate to the programme. SPOR: Specificity- Everyone needs a different training programme …

Every type of exercise has a particular effect on the body. The type of training we choose must be right for the type of improvement we want to see. We must always use a training programme that puts regular stress …

My name is Paul Huggins, I am 15 and I am studying physical education at the Royal Liberty School. I have been asked to make a 6 week training programme to improve a part of my physical life e.g. speed, …

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