Practical lesson

I then had another PE session that I took notes from to use for revision and a practical lesson. We had a game of badminton that went well and worked very well for a cardiovascular workout and improving my balance and co-ordination. On Saturday my friends and me had a leisurely game of football. I practiced my accuracy when shooting and passing, and controlling the long pass directed to me. I finished the week with a game of football that was hard and needed a great deal of ball control and accuracy to be used. Week 4 This week I started with two PE lessons that I took notes to revise from in my spare time.

On Tuesday I coached the younger performers and used my experience to help guide them when performing new skills. On Wednesday I had a practical football session outside. We had a quick warm up and then started the game. I again, tried to improve my accuracy and ball control. During the game I tried to use as much energy as possible. This is to help my fitness level increase as I feel that pushing myself to the limit will be the best way to improve. After college I went to the gym for two hours and worked on my lower body. During the session I used: -Leg Press – 3 reps, 60kg 30 times -Leg Curl – 3 reps, 40kg 30 times

-Leg Extension – 3 reps, 40kg 30 times -Running Machine – 4km on a variable factor setting I started Thursday we a PE lesson in which I took notes and then on Friday I had a rest. On Saturday I had another game of football, but this time out of college, in which I practiced the same skills as I did on Wednesday. I finished my week on Sunday with a game of football that was very demanding; it took all my endurance and strength to perform well throughout the game. Week 5 This week I started with two PE lessons that I took notes to revise from in my spare time. On Tuesday I coached young performers from my school.

On the Wednesday I had a gym session for 2 hours in which I worked on: -Dumbbells – 3 reps, 8kg 12 times -Pectoral Fly – 3 reps, 55kg 12 times -Shoulder Press – 3 reps, 45kg 8 times -Bench Press – 3 reps, 30kg 12 times -Sit-ups – 3 reps of 50 I then had another PE session that I took notes from to use for revision. We then had a practical session in which we had a game of badminton that went well and worked very well for a cardiovascular workout. On Saturday my friends and me had a leisurely game of football. I practiced my accuracy when shooting, passing a long ball, and performed as hard as possible to improve my overall fitness.

I finished the week on Sunday with a game of football that was very physically demanding. I tried as hard as possible to learn new skills and increase my fitness level. Week 6 This week I started with two PE lessons that I took notes to revise from in my spare time On Tuesday I helped coach the younger performers of my school. I used my own knowledge to help assist them in their problems on the field. On Wednesday I had a practical football session. We had a quick warm up and then started the game. I again, practiced my long passes and accuracy when taking shots.

During the game I tried to use a much effort as possible to hopefully increase my fitness level. After college I went to the gym for two hours and worked on my lower body. During the session I used: -Leg Press – 3 reps, 70kg 30 times -Leg Curl – 3 reps, 50kg 30 times -Leg Extension – 3 reps, 50kg 30 times -Running machine – 5km on a variable factor setting I started Thursday we a PE lesson in which I took notes and then on Friday I had a rest. On Saturday I had another game of football, but this time out of college, in which I practiced the same skills as I did on Wednesday.

I finished the week with game of football. The game went well and it seemed as if I could try really hard while still having energy to keep going. I felt that my strength and endurance had increased and this game was the easiest yet. Evaluation I think my timetable all went to plan. I carried out all of my training session and each week I feel I improved in all areas. Each week at the gym I increased the weight and the number of repetitions I lifted for both upper and lower body exercises, and felt fine with doing so.

During the football games, over time I felt I had improved my technique and re-corrected some of my faults. When taking long passes I can now direct them to the players feet with accuracy and also my accuracy on goal when taking a shot has greatly improved. I feel a lot more fit than when I started the course and now find it easier to keep up and not lose concentration because of tiredness. Overall I feel that I have fulfilled all of my goals set, and the 6-week plan worked very well to improve many areas of my chosen sport.

Circuit training will help nearly all of my training targets. I will do the circuit program 2 times per week. I will set up 7 stations. I will have 1 minute at each station. Once I have finished a station, …

The sport that this plan is going to correspond with is cricket. I feel that I need to improve the speed of my bowling because I feel that if I become a faster bowler I can become a more influential …

In terms of skill: I feel that I have a good sense of co-ordination with the ball and my surroundings. It has developed into a kinaesthetic feeling; I automatically know what my own limits are. I also feel I am …

I have decided to write a training program because I need to improve my fitness and level of performance in the sport of football. This program links to my sport because it helps improve aspects of my game which I …

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