Potential hazards and injuries in sport

In terms of skill: I feel that I have a good sense of co-ordination with the ball and my surroundings. It has developed into a kinaesthetic feeling; I automatically know what my own limits are. I also feel I am a good runner/sprinter. I am quick with the ball when it comes to making a run or challenging defenders. This also makes me good at intercepting the ball as my speed gives me an advantage. This helps when I am playing football because it is a main factor. In terms of fitness: I feel that my fitness level is already quite high and I have a good level of muscular endurance and have medium to short but powerful bursts of energy.

I don’t feel I have any other fitness strengths that stand out. In terms of tactics/strategies: I feel I have only one strength in this area and that it links in with my co-ordination skills. I think that I can use my co-ordination to see where the other players and quickly assess what needs to be done. My Weaknesses In terms of skill: I feel that my football skills could be improved. I find I am not so good at controlling the ball from a long pass and accuracy when shooting. I think that my overall fitness level could be increased too.

In terms of fitness: I feel that I have a lower level of cardiovascular endurance, and find it hard to keep going throughout the entire game. In terms of tactics/strategies: I feel I could improve in this area because I am still quite new to the game. I want to improve my tactics and have a more kinaesthetic feeling of the big picture. This will help me ‘read the game’ and outwit opposing players. My Goals I have chosen 3 main goals that I need to complete by the end of my 6-week action plan. I feel that when I take a shot I have quite poor accuracy that needs to be improved and definitely worked on in the 6-week plan.

It would also help if I could improve my control when receiving a long ball from a pass and my overall endurance side of my fitness could be improved. To improve my accuracy when shooting I will practice long passes and shooting on a regular occasion. To do this I will take 10 shots at goal per training session and record the number of goals scored each time. If I have more time to practice I will take shots and try to practice more accurate passes as often as possible as massed practice normally improves skills such as this.

To improve my ball control when receiving a long pass I will again practice passing skills. This practice session can be easily incorporated into my shooting goal as passing and shooting needs to be practice together to gain a higher level of accuracy. To improve my overall fitness I will need to train as often as possible. I will have to train in the gym to increase my stamina, endurance and overall power. When training to improve my other set goals I will be improving my fitness, as a lot of the time it will be in a game situation.

I have decided to write a training program because I need to improve my fitness and level of performance in the sport of football. This program links to my sport because it helps improve aspects of my game which I …

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I then had another PE session that I took notes from to use for revision and a practical lesson. We had a game of badminton that went well and worked very well for a cardiovascular workout and improving my balance …

Fitness Requirements for Basketball The game of basketball requires many different aspects of fitness which I will outline below. Aerobic Endurance- A good level of cardio-vascular fitness is needed because of the continuous nature of the game. Speed – Needed to move into …

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