A Training Programme to Improve Endurance

I have decided to write a training program because I need to improve my fitness and level of performance in the sport of football. This program links to my sport because it helps improve aspects of my game which I need to improve. I like this sport because it’s fun to play and it can be played almost anywhere as long as you have a football. Also you play as a team which can help you improve your social well-being. I played two week for a team in Edmonton without much success as I only spent two weeks and only played two matches there.

Within my 6 week training program I will focus on improving my endurance and shooting. These components are important in football because if you don’t have endurance you can’t last the whole 90 minutes of a match and you will tire out quickly. You need to be able to shoot well to be able to score goals to help your team win the match. I have played football for 10-11 years. To test my endurance I did the bleep test to see how long I can go for without getting tired. For shooting I practiced accuracy to see how many time I would get the ball on target.

Fitness component to be measured: Endurance Name of test: Bleep Test To try and improve my endurance I will do a bleep test because that’s what a bleep test is made for – to see how long/far you can go without stopping or getting tired. Name of test: Accuracy/Power in shooting To improve my shooting I will look at different aspects of shooting like accuracy and power. To improve accuracy I will shoot and see how many times out of 20 I will hit the target (goal) and keep repeating this to try and see if I can improve on my previous score. For power I will shoot from range and see how accurate the shot is so this links in with accuracy. Then I’ll take down the results after 20 shots and try again afterwards to see how much I’ve improved.

In my training program I have to ensure that I am going to be training anaerobically for me to improve on the component of endurance. So I have decided to use the method of training called circuit training. The reason for this is 1. To improve my fitness in the sport of football and improve my endurance so I can last the whole 90 minutes of a game. 2. To improve skill and maintain a high level of performance through a whole match. 3. To improve my The next component I will be training is power/accuracy in shooting.

I have decided to use the method of training called interval training. The reason for this is 1. This will help improve my power and accuracy 2. This will help improve my short distance and long distance shooting 3. This will help improve Fitness or skill component: Endurance I have decided to use the method of training called continuous training. The reason for this is 1. The more I use this method of training the more endurance I will gain because it’s non-stop. Within my training program I will use circuit training to help improve my fitness component of endurance. I will use a circuit that has 6-10 stations or types of exercises. I will look to complete a circuit which will consist of the following:

A training programme can be used to improve general fitness and skill in a sport. The training programme can be adapted to suit the user. Using the programme over a period of time will increase the fitness of the user. …

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I have been asked to plan a training programme for a particular sport over a period of six weeks. I decided to design the training programme for football. The training programme would improve my cardiovascular fitness, muscular endurance and a …

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