Circuit Training

Circuit training will help nearly all of my training targets. I will do the circuit program 2 times per week. I will set up 7 stations. I will have 1 minute at each station. Once I have finished a station, I will record my results and have a 1-minute break. Then I will move to the next station. The 7 stations will be: 1. Sit-ups (how many sit-ups in a min) Improves strength. 2. Press-ups (how many press-ups in a min) Improves strength. 3. Dribbling past cones (how many lengths of dribbling around the 8 cones in a min) Improves agility. 4. Sprints (how many sprints of 20 metres in a min) Improves speed.

5. Chin-ups (how many chin-ups in a min) Improves strength 6. Bounce jumps (how many jumps from one side to the other side on different legs each time in a min. Diagram below) 7. Hand squats (how many lengths of 8 squats in a min. Diagram below) The Principles of Training Throughout my program I have used some of the principles of training. Specificity I have made the program specific to my needs. I have used the components of fitness that matter most to me when I play football. I am not trying to increase my flexibility because I don’t think it is that relevant to the position I play in football.

I have used endurance because I do need to have a good endurance when I play football. I have tried to increase my strength because I feel that I am not personally strong enough when I play football. Progression In some of the training methods I have progressed the amount of reps so that I increase my fitness. In weight training, I am going to increase the amount of reps I do per activity. Each week I will add 5 more reps to each of the activities. In Interval training, I will increase the sprint reps by 5 seconds each week. By progressing the weight and interval training, I should be able to increase my level of fitness.

Reversibility Once I have finished the 6-week program, it will be up to me if I continue with some sort of training. If I don’t train then after a little while, I will lose the level of fitness that I will have gained from my training program. If I do train, I will have to progress my training otherwise I won’t reach a higher standard of fitness, I will just be maintaining the level I will have already have reached. Time/type I have already mentioned on the previous 2 pages what types of training I will use (circuit, interval, muscle, continuous).

I have also mentioned how much time will be spent on each type. Result Tables I am going to show my result tables for the first 2 weeks of my program. To measure my heart rate, I will use a heart monitor watch to calculate my heart rate. I am going to enter the information from my results into Microsoft Excel. I will then be able to make graphs that will show my improvement in each area. I am also adding recovery rate (rec rate) to my tables to show how quickly I recover. I will measure my heart rate 3 minutes after I have finished the activity. My resting heart rate is 60 beats per minute.

In my training circuit I will need to consider the five principles of training which are: Specificity Specificity is when you concentrate on a specific type of exercise to improve or build upon certain parts of the sport which you are training …

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