Circuit Training

In the first week I will just be testing my players ability and see where his fitness levels are at, I will tell him to begin each session with a good warm up consisting of jogging/running activities, stretching and some light football activities (e.g. passing the ball). I must have a warm up at the beginning of each one of my sessions to prepare my players body physically and mentally for the exercise and to prevent injury. Also during the first week I will set up various easy circuits, 1 circuit per day, an aerobic circuit, an anaerobic circuit and a sport specific circuit. These circuits will not be hard and the performer should be able to complete them without being too strenuous. I will finish off with a cool down after each session during the six weeks consisting of light stretching and slow jogging this is vital after each session to prevent injury.

During week two I will be doing basically the same circuits to see if my performer has improved but during these circuits I will begin to make them harder by increasing the intensity (e.g. running faster) increasing the frequency (e.g. having more stations per training session) and increasing the duration (e.g. making the training sessions longer). During week three I will be incorporating interval, fartlek and continuous training, one for each day I have a session during the week. During this week I will be starting to make the demands of my training that bit harder so that my performer will begin to feel the pressure. I will have to make sure that I make these training methods specific to his sport, which is football.

During week four the training becomes really hard, I will start to do some aerobic and some anaerobic training, I will be undertaking exercises such as the bleep test, the cooper twelve minute run, sprinting tests and other various tests that raise the anaerobic and aerobic thresholds. My players fitness levels will become higher and these tests will help him during the game when he’s sprinting for the ball and when he’s trying to last the full game with his fitness levels still high.

During week five I am going to concentrate on the players sport, which in this case is football. Most of my training sessions for these three days will be involved with ball work such as practising heading, control, passing, shooting, skills, 1 on 1 situations, running with the ball. This will also help my player during match situations and get him focused on the forthcoming season. During week five I will be undergoing some weight training with my player. I will take him in the gym and work on different parts of his muscles by lifting weights using the machines and free weights, I will concentrate mostly on the legs and the lower body because these are the muscles generally used in football, I will also be doing some upper body weights aswell. The effect of weight training on the body improves muscular strength, endurance, tone and posture. It increases muscular size, bone density and the metabolic rate.

Fartlek training involves varying the speed and intensity at which you walk or run and over which terrain you train. A Fartlek session usually lasts for at least 30 minutes. Fartlek training is used to improve aerobic and anaerobic fitness …

As kickboxing consists of many different fitness requirements I have decided to use circuit training to develop my current levels of fitness. Circuit training improves not only fitness requirements such as leg and arm strength but also specific sports skills, which …

As a football player I know that it is essential to have a good stamina level and one that can last for a full 90 minutes and extra time should it be required. I play centre midfield and so it is …

In my training circuit I will need to consider the five principles of training which are: Specificity Specificity is when you concentrate on a specific type of exercise to improve or build upon certain parts of the sport which you are training …

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