Netball Attacking skills

To make this task more difficult, the feeders would increase the speed of their passes. Also the distance between the two feeders would increase. By doing this the task becomes more difficult as the feeders vision is made wider, so it is harder to see when the balls are being passed. Progression 3 This progression makes the task more competitive as the player is not only limited with their vision but also their time they have possession of the ball. This exercise will help to improve your ability to catch and release the ball in a very short period of time.

This relates it to a games situation as there will be many times throughout the game where you have to release the ball very quickly and besides that, the rule of netball only allows the ball to be in your possession for 3 seconds. The distance between the feeders increases further, so much that the two feeders are on the same horizontal line as the worker. This means that he worker must be fully focused and aware of the passes coming towards her and also the pace at which they are travelling.

The feeders feed the ball, but the receiver must only receive/catch the ball with one hand and then returns the pass back to the feeder. Again to progress this task further you would make it more difficult by increasing the distance the feeders are from each other. The more confident you are in catching with one hand the better you game will be come as you are more likely to be able to receive and catch various different (height, speed etc. ) passes coming towards you. Also catching with one hand gives you a greater extension to reach the ball.

The whole group of players could carry out the task as they progress down court, keeping their formation the same and obeying the footwork rule. This progression helps to develop peripheral vision. This task develops players, such that they become versatile and adaptive. Progression 4 If players are receiving from the right they must land with the right foot and receive the ball with the right hand. This is the same for players receiving the ball from the left. They must land with the left foot and receive the ball with their left hand. Coaching points

All players must be fully focused on the task  Passes should be accurate Move at a constant pace throughout the drill Make sure you work as a team, i. e. communicate Strengths and weaknesses Throughout this lesson we concentrated on the skill of receiving. I carried out various tasks which all began at a basic level but then eventually progressed so that the skill became more complex and related specifically to a game situation. I analysed my performance throughout the lesson and I have identified the strengths and weaknesses within my performance.

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