Netball – Analysis of Performance

The accuracy of passing needs to be improved. She’s not good enough at passing and this is essential in a game. She mainly needs to develop her chest pass. This should be when the hands are holding the ball in a “W” shape, it should be held at the chest and aiming for the target which is the retriever’s chest. The weight is transferred in a step and the arms should follow through and should be fully extended. The marking on her opponent is quite strong. This is good because she gets a lot of interceptions on her first stage marking.

She is always 1metre away from her opponents landing foot and she has one hand covering the ball and one guarding the space. Her timing of her jump is good and 80% of the time she either catches, blocks or tips the ball. Her balance in this stretch is good and she is fully extended. Doing and practising some simple drills could improve her 1st stage marking. She would stand sideways on to her opponent, so that in the game she can see the game, her opponent, and the ball. Her opponent and another person would be passing the ball and she would have to time the interception.

She will have to make sure that she has good balance and footwork, so that she doesn’t get pulled up for contacting the opposition. This can then be progressed by speeding the passes up, and also marking from behind instead of side-on. Her passing also needs to be improved. Passing, in partners, to each other, can do this. You could start off in short distances and then to progress this, get further apart. Making sure that she concentrates on her chest passes, but also uses a range of other passes. She could also practise throwing with her weaker hand.

A few strategies and tactics could be used to win a centre pass. One would be to double mark an attacking player. The WA is more likely to get the pass, so side and front mark her. Then, when the C is going to throw the ball, (now more likely to be GA), the C will run across and intercept the diagonal ball. If not, the WD will pick up the opposition’s C and then the C will pick up the WA. You can use tactics and strategies to mark an opponent and also get free from an opponent. You could mark an opponent from the front or side-on if in centre court.

If in defence and defending circle, mark from either side, (depending on positioning of shooter and where the ball is). Also, make sure that you only decide to do 1 or 2 types of marking. This could be 1st stage, 2nd stage or 3rd stage. Otherwise the game could become messy and uncontrolled by the defenders. To get free you could do a twist, which is a type of dodge. Or you could choose another dodge. Making sure that the first few strides when sprinting to retrieve the ball is sprinted with 100% effort.

The teacher, the coach, the captain and the team manager, are all important people to improve and develop a team. The teacher shows and teaches the basic skills needed and the rules. The captain helps bond the team together off court as well as on. She also encourages and picks out faults, which could be breaking down the game. The coach goes through the basic skills in more detail and goes onto more difficult ones. She also helps them train together and makes sure they are all included. The team manager organises and looks after the team.

She also makes sure that noone is left out because if they are and it isn’t sorted out or noticed, then this could show on court and could break the fluency and team down. These people can do things, which will have an effect upon the improvement of performance. The coach will make the overall effect on a player and or, or team. They will do this in practise and on the sidelines in a game. The coach, team manager, and captain will all encourage and motivate the team. This will improve confidence and will make the players want to win more.

If you restrict a player and mark her up the court, then she’ll be forced out of the attack’s passing. This makes it harder for the opposition and is much easier to mark. It can also tire the opposition, which could make them loose concentration and make more errors that that shouldn’t make. It also opens the game out and keeps the court less compact. Fitness levels can affect a player or team’s performance. Endurance helps you last the game without getting tired too easily. Speed helps with footwork and helps the player change speed, when needed in a game, much easier.

Agility helps attacking players get free more easily and helps defending players defend better. Core strength helps balance and strength. This is needed so that when you catch the ball, you don’t loose balance and end up throwing the ball to the other team for example. Scientists have found that if you have good core strength, then you are less likely to injure your back and knees. Another factor, psychology, could affect a player or team’s performance. Psyching yourself up before a game could help you concentrate more and be more determined.

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