Leadership skills in a sports activity

This skill requires the leader to communicate verbally and nonverbally. Verbal communication involves the talking to the individual or group. When doing this you need to speak loud and clear when you are talking to players in order for them to understand what you are saying. The players also need to understand the task in hand there fore the correct use of language is needed in order for the players to understand what is expected of them, for example if you were teaching a group of year 1’s you would need to keep it simple come down to there eye level, where as if you were teaching a group of post 16 you would use more complex words

Non verbal communication involves body language, facial expressions and signals. It could also include the use of a whistle to communicate with the individuals. For example the way you are standing, a certain face you make or if you do something with your hands this should show what you want to say with out you saying it. Verbal communication involves talking this is easy enough to do, you just have to tell the student/players what you need to. Positioning

Positioning is vital with in leadership, for example if it is a windy day and you are having a talk with the group it would be best to stand with you back to the wind so the group can hear you better. Also if it is sunny and you are teaching but the group before you and let them sit so they are facing away from the sun ect. Also if they are having a game in your lesson make sure you’re not standing right in the middle of the pitch or court. Make sure you can also see all of the players at all times.

Knowledge of the sport Having knowledge of the sport you are teaching is vital, with out good knowledge of the sport you could be teaching the wrong techniques and skills involved with the sport. Before teaching a lesson or session make sure you know exactly what you are teaching. Motivation This key skill requires the leader to be motivated and to take an active role, by doing this you as a leader creates a good atmosphere within the group.

This in turn motivates the players, a certain level of enthusiasm is required to get this motivation from the players. Most motivation is achieved from the leader, so it is vital that the leader stay motivated to keep the group motivated, without this the standard of game play will begin to decrease and the players will not be performing to there maximum potential which could also in turn cause the players to loose a game.

There are many different people who are sports leaders some are famous and well known and others are not. Sports leaders have to have certain qualities and skills to make them prosperous sport leaders and for them to succeed in …

Communication and motivation are key skills to becoming an effective coach or leader. Communication “The exchange of thoughts, messages, or information, as by speech, signals, writing, or behaviour” Chambers Dictionary (1996). Communication is a key factor to making sure that …

Mr cook has good communication because he can speak loud and I can understand what he is saying and he also uses body language and a whistle He has good communication because he speaks to his players clearly and tells them …

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