My fitness program

My fitness program: I have decided on the most appropriate order for my fitness training regime that won’t exercise the same muscle groups next to each other as much as possible. However, this was not possible in a couple of cases as more of my exercises are for muscle endurance in my legs, than with any other type of exercise. It is important that you design the training program for the correct age category as younger people are not yet fully developed and could injure bones, joints, muscles, ligaments and tendons. I will have 6 sessions in order to carry out my fitness-training program regime, each of which will be an hour long.

Before the training starts you must start with a warm up, a warm up is a light exercise to get you ready for the main activity. Light jogging-perform a light jog around the sports hall for a period of 2 minutes. This warms up the muscles to make them more flexible and lowers the risk of injury. The cool down is important as it means that the lactic acid that has built up in the muscles will be released. If it is not done, then the lactic acid will stay there and cause you pain as all your muscles and joints will become sore and tight.

In the warm up and cool down I will have to exercise all the muscles that I will be using in my training circuit so I will not injure myself at anytime. In these sessions I will need to increase the intensity as sessions go on. It is important to start at the rite intensity designed for you. If the intensity is to demanding your muscles may get strained. If the intensity feels to easy then you must change it to challenge your self but not to demanding so it is unmanageable. You can overload in a circuit by increasing the number of reps, performing the same amount of reps but in a quicker time, or by completing the circuit more times.

I will also have to make sure my exercises are in good order so I do not injure my muscles by doing 2 muscle endurance exercises for your legs its better if you spread them out legs, arms so on, this all comes down to safety. This is important as if they are the muscles may become too tired, or strain easily. You may find this could happen in your circuit if the exercises are too intense or it was designed for an older age group. Three of my exercises are principles of specificity as they are specified to the sport football and they exercise a specific part of your body.

I’ll make each exercise harder in some way as the sessions go on to demand more from my self and gain more from my circuit. The principle of overload is to work your body harder than usual and ill be doing that on each and everyone of my exercises. Even thou I want to push my self harder if I do to much there is a chance that I may injure my self so the principle of progression is to gradually build up my exercise so it gives my body chance to adapt to it. The fitter ill get the harder it will be to gain.

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