Informative Breast Cancer Speech

Attention Getter: What do Sheryl Crow, Judy Blume, Suzanne Somers, Wanda Sykes and my Mother have in common? They are all breast cancer survivors.

Topic Disclosure: Today I am going to talk to you about breast cancer information and awareness

Preview: During my speech

I will discuss:

  • Symptoms and Diagnosis
  • Treatment and Side effects
  • Ways to lower risk and Statistics

Audience Link: There is a large amount of men and women who are diagnosed with breast cancer everyday but they usually don’t know how it forms and ways it can be treated. Breast cancer is a very serious disease that shouldn’t be taken likely.

Even if you do not have breast cancer, chances are that you know or will know someone who will get it. After this speech I hope to inform and give you knowledge about breast cancer. I. A) Breastcancer. org (2013) states: Breast cancer symptoms vary widely, from lumps to swelling and skin changes. Breast cancer has no obvious symptoms at all until tumors are formed. Just as no two people are exactly alike no two-breast cancers are exactly the same either. Webmd. com (2013) explains, when a tumor develops signs of early stages of breast cancer includes:

  • A lump in the breast or underarm
  • Swelling in the armpit.
  • Pain or tenderness in the breast
  • A noticeable flattening or indentation on the breast
  • Any change in the size, contour, texture or temperature of the breast
  • Marble like area under the skin B) Cancer. org (2012) explains the different types of testing and diagnosis for breast cancer.

Mammogram: Is a machine, which takes an x-ray of the breast that shows any tumors or lumps on the breast. Two types of Mammogram include screening and diagnosis mammogram. -Self

Exam: Which can be preformed in a warm shower, in front of a mirror or lying down. -Biopsy: A small operation done to remove tissue from the area of concern in the body. (20% turn out to have cancer when done)

Transition: Now that I talked about the symptoms and diagnosis of breast cancer, I am now going to talk about the treatment and side effects. II. A) Cdc. gov (2012) indicates, breast cancer is treated in several ways. It is depended on the kind of cancer and how far along it has spread. Treatment included surgery, chemotherapy, hormonal therapy, biological therapy and radiation.

Surgery: Doctor cuts out and removes cancer from the tissue * Chemotherapy: Using special medicines or drugs to shrink or kill the cancer, Drugs include pills or IV. (Maybe both)

Hormonal Therapy: Some cancers need hormones to grow, used to block cancer cells from getting hormones to grow.

Biological Therapy: Works with your body’s immune system to help fight the cancer or control the side effects.

Radiation: The use of high-energy rays to kill cancer cells. Treatments are a long process, depending on what stage you’re in will indicate how long your treatment may take. B) There are many side effects that go along with each treatment. Some people tend to get more while others tend to just stick with the most common.

Having more side effects would be something that is towards and individual, and matters by how strong ones immune system is. Some of the effects would be: anxiety, constipation, dehydration, dizziness, hair loss, fever, itching and etc. Transition: Now that I talked about the different types of treatments and side effects I will talk about the statistics and ways to lower your risk. III.

A) Medicinenet. com (2012) states that about 1 in 8 women (just under 12%) will develop invasive breast cancer over the course of her lifetime.

  • In 2011, an estimated 230,480 new cases of invasive breast cancer was expected to be diagnosed.
  • 2,140 in men
  • 1 in 1000 men will risk breast cancer
  • In 2011 more than 2. 6 million survivors.
  • Older you get the higher your chance to get breast cancer

B) Mayoclinic. com (2011) indicates that lifestyle changes have been shown in studies to decrease cancer risk even in high-risk women. Ways of prevention would be:

  • Limit alcohol
  • Don’t smoke
  • Control weight
  • Be physically active
  • Breast feed
  • Limit exposure to plastic (BPA)(Synthetic estrogen)

Summary: While being more aware of your body, you will have the information to prevent a disease that is able to take control of your body.

Review: Today I talked about the symptoms and diagnosis, treatment and side effects, and ways to lower your risk and statistics of breast cancer. Tie Back: While my mom isn’t a movie star, she fought her battles like one showing optimism, strength and elegance in her lowest time of all.


  • Breast Cancer. (2012, September 26). Breast Cancer Symptoms. Retrieved April 1, 2013, from www. medicinenet. com/
  • Breast Cancer: Symptoms & Types. (n. d. ). WebMD – Better information. Better health. Retrieved April 2, 2013, from http://www. webmd. com/breast-cancer/guide/breast-cancer-symptoms-and-types
  • Breast cancer prevention: How to reduce your risk – MayoClinic. com. (2012, December 12). Mayo Clinic. Retrieved April 2, 2013, from http://www. mayoclinic. com/health/breast-cancer-prevention/WO00091
  • Breastcancer. org – Breast Cancer Information and Awareness. (2012, November 29).
  • Breastcancer. org – Breast Cancer Information and Awareness. Retrieved April 2, 2013, from http://www. breastcancer. org/
  • CDC – Breast Cancer Treatment. (2012, January 20). Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Retrieved April 2, 2013, from http://www. cdc. gov/cancer/breast/basic_info/treatment. htm.

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