Breast Cancer Speech Outline

A. Attention Grabber: I’m sure many of you know of or have heard of Giuliana Rancic. Well if not, she is a news anchor for the tv channel E! and often co-hosts red carpet events such as the Golden Globes and the Academy Awards. Giuliana is a very busy and successful woman and on top of everything that she juggles, last October she was diagnosed with breast cancer. Soon after finding out that Giuliana had cancer, she underwent a lumpectomy, which was unsuccessful in getting rid of all the cancer cells.

Following that she was faced with a very painful surgery called a double mastectomy along with radiation treatment. B. Reveal Topic: Today I am going to explain to you what exactly breast cancer is, how to detect it as early as possible and what treatments are necessary if diagnosed with the cancer. C. Credibility Statement: My grandmother was diagnosed with breast cancer and received treatments before I was born. Although she was lucky enough to have it removed completely, there is still a risk of going into remission. D.

How topic relates to audience: According to the American Cancer Society, Breast cancer is the most common cancer and affects 1 in 8 women. E. Preview of main points: Today I’ll discuss: What breast cancer actually is, how to detect the early stages of the cancer and if cancer is detected, what procedures/treatments will most likely take place. [Transition: The first thing that I would like you to know about breast cancer is what exactly it is. ] II. BODY A. Main Point 1: What breast cancer is, is a group of cancer cells (malignant tumor) that starts in the cells of the breast.

1. Breast cancer is the second leading cause in the death among women and as previously stated, occurs in as many as 1 in 8 women. 2. The cancer tumors can be categorized in stages by the size, type of cells and the characteristics that fuel its growth. 3. Unfortunately the specific cause(s) of this cancer has not yet been discovered, scientists have learned quite a bit of risk factors that may lead to a higher risk for it. [Transition: Now that you have an idea of what breast cancer is and how common it is, I will tell you some options in early detection and diagnosis.

] B. Main Point 2: Early detection with breast cancer can be the difference between mild or harsh treatments and even often times life or death. 1. There are many types of breast exams that can be preformed: Clinical exams, self-exams at home and the most effective exam would be a mammogram. 2. Since breast cancer is more common in older women, it is encouraged to have a routine check-up starting at age 40, however if it runs in your family it can be promoted at as young of an age as 25.

[Transition: I’ve explained why it is important to detect early signs of breast cancer, now I’m going to tell you some of the procedures and treatment that are preformed after being diagnosed. ] C. Main Point 3: Depending on the stage of cancer, treatments can vary. I will be telling you a few important facts provided by NationalBreastCancer. org to know going into treatments and also the different types. 1. One of the most important factors in treatments is finding a doctor that you can feel comfortable around and satisfied with in terms of his/her opinion.

This is because cancer is such an emotional process and you want to be able to feel personable with your doctor. 2. Standard treatments and Clinical trials are both used for breast cancer patients. a. The different between the two are that standard treatments are treatments that many experts agree that are effective and are widely accepted. b. Clinical trials on the other hand are approved research studies that some doctors have a strong potential to treat and cure cancer. •Clinical trials tend to be less expensive due to the fact that the patient is contributing to their research 3.

Treatments are used on patients that have cancer in stages 1-3. 4. Stages 1,2,3A and some 3C: a. Most common for stages 1 and 2, is a breast conserving surgery such as a lumpectomy followed by radiation therapy. b. Along with the surgery, some women even have their lymph nodes underneath the armpits removed. 5. Stages 3B and some 3C: a. Patients will start off with Chemotherapy first with the possibility of shrinking the tumor. b. If shrinking occurs then a mastectomy will be preformed which is a surgery that removes the whole breast.

6. Stage 4 and recurrent: a. Treatment is typically based on where the cancer returns. b. If located in the chest or breast tissue, chemo, radiation or surgery may be necessary. c. If located in bones, liver or other areas then hormone therapy, radiation or targeted therapy may be the best option. d. If the cancer reaches stage 4, it is understood by the patient that treatments are less likely to get rid of the cancer and more so to help the patient live a longer life. CONCLUSION: I.

Reinforce the central idea: (Summarize main points): Today I’ve informed you on what breast cancer is, how to detect it and some treatment options if diagnosed. II. Closure Statement: As you see, breast cancer is no walk in the park, in fact it is a physical and emotional roller coaster occurring in many families, probably some surrounding you today. Although the cancer is unavoidable, being informed and aware can make a world of a difference.

BIBLIOGRAPHY: National Breast Cancer Foundation, INC. NBCF, 2012. Web. 13 Oct. 2012. . Breast Cancer Awareness Month. American Cancer Society, 2012. Web. 14 Oct. 2012. .

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