Breast Cancer

Specific Purpose: To inform the audience on the Symptoms/ Risk, Treatment, and how a person can possibly lower the risk of breast cancer. Thesis Statement: Women survive breast cancer everyday through early detection and treatment. Introduction: I. Have you ever place yourself in the shoes of someone diagnose with breast cancer? II. One in every 8th women in the world has breast cancer and most of them don’t even know it. The earlier you detect breast cancer the better it is.

Breast cancer well any type of cancer can hit you like a ton of bricks and left with lots of mixed emotions. III. I have not only done extensive research on breast cancer but I’m also going to share with you my personal experience from observing and analyzing my godmothers journey with breast cancer, from when she was first diagnosed up until now. IV. According to the American Cancer Society over 200,000 new cases of invasive Breast cancer are diagnosed each year. Today I will inform you about some facts, treatments & risk on Breast cancer.

Transition: I will start by giving you a few facts based on breast cancer Body: I. First main point: to understand breast cancer you really have to be “diagnosed” A. Breast Cancer is a malignant tumor (a collection of cancer cells) arising from the cells of the breast. Although breast cancer is predominantly in women it can affect men as well. There are several types of breast cancer that differ in their capability of spreading (metastasize) to other body tissues. Something known as pathology determines what stage you’re diagnosed with. 1.

Cancer is usually expressed through stages, 0 describing non-invasive cancer that remain within their original location and stage IV describing invasive cancers that spread outside the breast to the other parts of the body. 2. Cancer stages is based on the four characteristics * The size of the breast. * Whether the cancer is invasive or non-invasive. * Whether the cancer is in the lymph nodes. * Whether the cancer has spread to other parts of the body beyond the breast. 3. To name a few different types of breast Cancer; Ductal Carcinoma, Infiltrating Ductal Carinoma, Medullary Carcinoma, Inflammatory breast cancer.

Transition: Now that you know a little about what breast cancer is and how they range it, I will discuss the treatments used today on how to treat breast cancer. II. Second main point: There are numerous treatments and procedures in curing breast cancer but of course everything comes with side effects. A. Treatments are all based on the stage of breast cancer your diagnosed with, whether the cancer is sensitive to certain hormones or whether the cancer is overproduces( over expresses), a gene called HER2/neu. B.

In most cases, the common treatments are: 1. Chemotherapy, medicines to kill cancer cells. In a way chemotherapy is good but in a way it bad, because it kills both the cancer cells as well as the white blood cells which help regulate your immune system. It best while taking chemotherapy not to be amongst a large crowd of people or sick people. 2. 2nd most common treatments is Radiation therapy, destroys cancerous tissue. Some patients are surprised to discover that having radiation therapy is less difficult than expected.

But common side effects my godmother experience were irritation of the skin, chest pain, and fatigue. 3. Surgery to remove Cancerous tissue. A lumpectomy removes the breast lump; mastectomy removes all or parts of the breast and possibly nearby structure. 4. Hormonal therapy is prescribed to women with E-R positive breast cancer to block certain hormones that fuel cancer growth. Most women receive a combination of treatment. For women with stages I, II, III the main goal is to treat the cancer and prevent it from returning.

For stage IV the goal is to improve symptoms and help them live longer. Stage V cannot be cured. Transition: Now that we know several treatments and side effects on cancer, now Im going to sum it up by giving you helpful tips on possibly lowers the risk. III. There is not really any guaranteed way to prevent breast cancer, reviewing the risk factors and modifying the ones that can be altered/ Symptoms. 1. Risk Factors: * Alcohol use. * Childbirth: Women who has or never had or who had them after the age of 30. have an increased risk.

* Radiation as a child. * Take your supplements daily. * Yearly Mammograms, CT scan, Breast MRI, Breast Ultrasound. * Exercise & Eating Healthy. 2. Early breast cancer usually don’t have symptoms, this is why regular breast cancer checkups are important. * Breast lump, or lump under armpits. * Changes in the size shape or feel of breast or nipple. * Fluid coming out of the nipple. * Bone pain, skin ulcers, swelling of one arm, weight loss. Conclusion: I. Today I raised the awareness of breast cancer in the U. S. II.

I hope you feel well informed on breast cancer, risk facts, different types of breast cancer and their stages as well as the treatment. III. Hundreds of thousands of women are being diagnosed with breast cancer.

Next time you read or hear about taking the initiative, in the blank of an eye it could be you rather being a women or a man.

Work Cited: * “Breast Cancer Symptoms, Signs, Facts, Treatment – MedicineNet. com. ” Medicine Net. Web. 29 May 2012. <http://www. medicinenet. com/breast_cancer/article. htm * BreastCancer. org. Web. <www. breastcancer. org>.

One in eight women will be diagnosed with breast cancer in their lifetime. * * Breast cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer in women. * Each year it is estimated that over 220,000 women in the United States will …

Intro Attention Getter: Did you know both men and women are able to get breast cancer? Thesis Statement: According to US Breast Cancer Statistics it states that in 2013 there were more than 2. 8 million women with history of …

There are many different types of breast cancer. For example, breast cancer can begin in different areas of the breast like the ducts, the lobules, or in some cases, the tissue in between. In this essay I will explain the …

There are many different types of breast cancer. For example, breast cancer can begin in different areas of the breast like the ducts, the lobules, or in some cases, the tissue in between. In this essay I will explain the …

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