Endurance, strength, flexibility speed and agility

Our aerobic capacity is also know as cardio respiratory endurance or stamina. It’s the ability of our heart and lung to cope with actives over a long period of time strenuous activies , using the whole body to keep our active muscles supplied with energy and removing waste. The better our aerobic capacity is the longer we can do our activity for. To improve aerobic capacity it takes regular heart rate of between 60- 80 % of our maximum heart rate for a minimum of 12 minutes increasing up to 40 minutes.

Professional athletes and performs will work in excess of an hour 4 times a week on aerobic capacity. There are three tests for to measure vo2 max The bleep test Harvard step test (recovery time recorded) The Cooper twelve min run (distance measured) Fartlek, developed in the 1930’s, comes from the Swedish for ‘Speed Play’, combines continuous and interval training. Fartlek allows the athlete to run whatever distance and speed they wish, varying the intensity, and occasionally running at high intensity levels. This type of training stresses both the aerobic and anaerobic Things I am improving:

Endurance – improving the length and time I train for should allow me to perform for longer and more strenuously in match situations. Allowing to keep up and even manipulate the pace of the game. Speed and Agility- will allow me to turn and beat defenders to the ball giving me a clear advantage and goal scoring opportunity. Strength- I will be improving upper body strength as well as lower working on muscle strength will allow me to hold off players. I will also be more powerful when performing specific techniques. E. g. long passing and shooting. Gym classes I will be attending are: Body Combat

Combines powerhouse moves and stances developed from a range of self-defence disciplines including Karate, Kickboxing, Tai Chi and Tae Kwon Do, into a “take no prisoners”, adrenaline pumping routine. It is an empowering, athletic workout that will have you “fighting fit” in record time! Body Pump A 45 to 60 minute non-impact, resistance-training programme, which utilises barbells and adjustable weights helping to improve muscular strength & endurance. It is a studio-based group session, which is led by highly skilled, motivating instructors who receive on-going training to ensure every class is safe, effective RPM

Set to the latest chart-topping tunes, RPM is a fun, athletic cardiovascular cycling workout that guarantees to leave you on a high and wanting more. A prolific calorie guzzler, RPM burns fat fast. It is also murder on the butt and thighs, so not only will you feel great but you’ll look amazing. Don’t delay, ride the calorie killer now… but be warned, it’s addictive! The skills training I will carry out will be specific to improving my performance. I found performing in the match hard because of having tight muscles from endurance training on the Friday. Rather then having a rest day after the match I will have it before.

I stayed at the same level at the gym for every thing except free weights, which I increase to 12kg. The reason I stayed at the same level is I found it difficult last week and this week the frequency of my training was progressed Match We won our match 2-1 I played 90minutes My stamina was ok although my legs ached from Friday I felt more confidence using my body to protect the ball. Possible physiological due to doing more training. I got an assist with a long ball over the top I felt as though I could of made a bigger impact on the game if I could run fast so I will incorporate some activities for this next week.

We warm up so we are less likely to cause injury to ourselves and so that our muscles are well stretched, we cool down to make sure that are muscles don’t cease up, and we are not aching the next …

The main reasons behind why I want to achieve these goals are that I want to improve in my sports and heath and fitness wise. They are mainly specificity and individual needs to strive and gain more. By improving all …

I have decided to write a training program because I need to improve my fitness and level of performance in the sport of football. This program links to my sport because it helps improve aspects of my game which I …

Introduction- my personal exercise plan is going to be based on fitness. The reason why I chose fitness is because it’s the sport that I feel contsains the most amount of sport that I enjoy and am at my best …

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