Cardiovascular exercise

I will be conducting research into the amount of exercise that people take, what kind of exercise and how often. I would like to see if people do follow the recommendations that they should exercise 3 times a week for 20 minutes, that increases your heart rate, so cardiovascular exercise would be good for this. I would also like to see if people do not exercise regularly what their reasons would be.


In order to gain information for the report 10 questionnaire surveys will be distributed randomly. The questionnaire survey will be a descriptive questionnaire of approximately 5 to 10 questions. Some questions will be open ended, some will be closed and some will have a choice of answers already given. Gathering information in this way has some advantages and some disadvantages. Advantages are that the researcher is normally on hand to clarify any queries the respondent may have and to make sure that the questionnaire is completed correctly. They are practical and a lot of data can be gained in a short space of time. The results achieved can be quite descriptive and the data relatively easily analysed.

Disadvantages of a questionnaire can include, that the responses are limited as the respondent can only answer the questions that they have been asked, not really able to volunteer information, which could be relevant. Respondents may not always be honest for different reasons: they do not want to tell the truth, they feel they do no time to complete truthfully so just pick any answer, or they may not actually understand the questions, as they can some times be ambiguous. In conclusion, the majority of people who completed the questionnaire do exercise regularly and do the recommended amount of 20 minutes 3 times a week.

Reasons given for not exercise regularly were not having enough time. Every who did exercise regularly said it was to keep fit along with other reasons, and also did some kind of cardiovascular work, along with approximately half also doing swimming or weight training. Recommendations: people who do not exercise regularly could try and incorporate some kind of activity into their daily routine, such as walking up stairs rather than lifts or walking an extra bus stop. Also to people who do not exercise 3 times a week to try and do this amount.

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