Exercise bike

At the gym I did 15 minute run on treadmill, 15minute cycle on exercise bike, then did 8 sets of ten bicep curls with 7kg weight, then finish with slow jog on treadmill for 15 minutes Friday: In P. E. lesson I did the bleep test and obtained level 12. 1 At the gym I did 20 minutes on the treadmill, 15minutes on the exercise cycle, 10 minutes on walking machine then 10 minute swim. Week 2 Wednesday:

At the gym I did 15 minute run on treadmill, 15minute cycle on exercise bike, then did 5 sets of ten bicep curls with 7kg weight then three sets 10 bicep curls with15kg, then finish with slow jog on treadmill for 15 minutes. Friday: In P. E. I first warmed up then completed a circuit three time consisting of: Bench steps Each exercise was done for 25 seconds then I cooled down.

At the gym in the afternoon I did 15 minute run on treadmill, 15 minute cycle on exercise bike, completed 2 sets of 20 sit ups, then finish with slow jog on treadmill for 15 minutes Week 3 Wednesday: At the gym I did 5 minute run on treadmill, 20 minute cycle on exercise bike, 5 minutes on walking machine, did 5 sets of 10kg pull-ins then finish with slow jog on treadmill for 10 minutes Friday Warmed up using standard warm up then join with a partner to do 3 sets of 600m runs in turn.

The run went from our school sports hall, out of the school along a road to a point 300m away were we turned back, reached the sports hall the switch with our partner. On the first and second run a did it in 3minutes 30 seconds with about 3 minute 50 second rest between each, on the third run I took about 3minutes 55seconds to complete. I had a 2minute rest and decide to do an extra run to as overload to continue my aerobic fitness progress. After I then warmed down.

At six o’clock this evening I started my first day of week 1 of my P. E. P with four sets of 20 sit ups. I took 3 minute intervals in between each set. Monday At six o’clock today I …

I chose these training methods because I think they really help in a 6 week training diary to improve mainly cardiovascular system and muscular strength. They are also not boring activities as some of them are done in the athletics …

My stretches were good. The only different stretch I did was using the fit ball. Able to do the stretches in 1-2 minutes including the fit ball. Stretching and lengthen my muscles including my back and abdominals from using the fit ball. In …

The sport that this plan is going to correspond with is cricket. I feel that I need to improve the speed of my bowling because I feel that if I become a faster bowler I can become a more influential …

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