Volleyball analysis

Since volley ball was first played the spike has been an important component of the game. The objective of the volleyball spike is to receive the ball off the setter and return the ball over the net with great force. It is important to the game of volleyball because it is hard to return due to the force that it is hit to the defending team. The spike incorporates many biomechanical principles, these include vertical height, momentum, lever systems, Newton’s laws, forces, load and centre of gravity.

If all these principles are present in a spike, it will more often then not be skilful and successful. The following report will analyse my spike with reference to biomechanics and their importance in the spike technique. The volleyball spike can be divided into 3 phases, these are approach and take off, attack and recovery. Analysis and evaluation 1. Approach and take off The aim of the approach and take off phase is to transfer forward momentum into vertical momentum by taking multiple steps and pushing off with your two legs gaining maximum height and positioning the body for the attack phase.

My technique in this phase was average as I gained some momentum and pushed off to a reasonable height, but not maximum. My body height was reasonably low which lowered my centre of gravity, causing the take off to be more powerful then one at a normal height. Unfortunately I only pushed off with one foot which limited my take off height. Whilst pushing off, my hip extended on the leg that was pushing off and my knee was also flexed, this was to get lower to the ground and cause more for an equal and opposite reaction (Newtons third law).

My second, non jumping leg swings through after I have left the ground, it also has flexion of the knee as well as flexion of the hip. This helps with my momentum and vertical. My trunk stays upright to ensure that my centre of gravity stays inside my body and doesn’t throw me off balance. My arms also made an extension then flexion motion as I was taking off. In the video the spiker has pushed off the ground using two feet which has caused him to gain exceptional height.

If I were to incorporate this two step approach into my spike, I would jump a lot higher for the ground which would cause me to hit the ball with more ease and hit it at more of an angle. He also takes a five step run up compared to my two step run up. If I incorporated this five step run up into my spike, I would gain much more momentum causing even greater vertical height, again benefiting my performance. 2. Attack In the video, the spiker has bent his arm the full distance behind him and to the full angle which helps him hit the ball with great force.

In my spike this aspect of attack was a weakness of mine and if I bent my arm the full distance, I would gain a lot more power on my shot and it would benefit my performance. The way in which the spiker has extended his trunk and shoulders backwards are one similarity which are excellent examples of the correct method of spiking a volleyball. 3. Recovery In the video, after the spiker has hit the ball, he lands using two feet and flexing (bending) his knee and hip joints.

If I incorporated this method of landing into my recovery phase I would absorb the force of landing and safely land reducing the chance of injury and reducing the chance of falling forward into the net. Conclusion The following report has analysed the technique and features of my own spike discussing the strengths and weaknesses of it. With reference to a video of a professional spike, I have also made recommendations for my spike to improve my performance and reduce injury.

I predict that if these modifications are carried out, my performance in volleyball will be lifted to a new standard and I can therefore try to complete more complex plays which will benefit my team.


SLC intranet, year 11, physical education, spike videos. Slow motion volleyball hits, [Internet], accessed 26 March 2008, http://www. youtube. com/watch? v=lESY7jaOnx0 Amezdroz, G, Dickens, S, Hosford, G, Davis, D, Queensland Senior Physical Education, ‘the articular (joint) system, MACMILLAN EDUCATION AUSTRALIA, 2005.

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