Activity Volleyball

Volley-make sure your knees are bend, use fingertips, flat back, push elbows out, movement, make a step forward, swing your arms from down to up to release power on the shot. What was your involvement in the sport and how did you use these skills and techniques? My involvement in the sport was just taking part in the exercise and participates with the groups we were put to. I used volley in the exercise where we had to stay in pairs and keep the ball up using the volley and then also in groups of 3, one person standing in the middle and the other person pass the ball to him and he pass it back and rotate 180 to receive the next pass. The technique I have used for volley is make sure your knees are bend, use fingertips, flat back, push elbows out, movement, make a step forward, swing your arms from down to up to release power on the shot.

During this session my STRENGTHS were: My strength were the exercise where we had to keep the ball up in pairs using volley, I have used the right technique to provide volley. Also my strength was to set up a person for a smash with a volley. During this session my WEAKNESSES were: My weaknesses were rotate volley which we had to exercise and I could not find the right technique to make the rotate volley. Also when we had a game situation and I was on the net I found hard to volley the ball behind me to set up the player behind me.

Diary – Week 2 Activity Volleyball Objectives of session To understand the main areas of dig. Skills and Techniques relevant to the sport (P1) Dig-the technique to provide dig is to have a flat back, one foot forward, knees bend, arms straight, hit the ball with the lower arm not with hands, when releasing the shot bring your arms upwards, push shoulder inside and keep your head up.

What was your involvement in the sport and how did you use these skills and techniques? My involvement in the sport was just taking part in the exercise and participates with the groups we were put to. I used dig in the exercise when we were in the pairs passing the ball using dig and also use volley to pass the ball to your partner and then he smash it back and you have to use dig to block it. The technique I have used for dig is the technique to provide dig is to have a flat back, one foot forward, knees bend, arms straight, hit the ball with the lower arm not with hands, when releasing the shot bring your arms upwards, push shoulder inside and keep your head up.

During this session my STRENGTHS were: My strengths in this exercise where when we just pass the ball in the pairs using dig which I felt confident about as I used the right technique to produce the dig. During this session my WEAKNESSES were: My weaknesses in this session were when we had to pass the ball using volley and your partner smash it back to you and you have to dig it to block the ball. I didn’t find the right technique for it to do that which makes the ball go past me most of the time.

Diary – Week 3 Activity Volleyball Objectives of session To understand the main areas of serve and smash. Skills and Techniques relevant to the sport (P1) Serve-underarm serve just throw the ball bit upwards, step forward, bend knees, straight back and hit it with your palm. Overarm serve throw the ball high, jump up, legs hang behind you, one arm leans back the other pointing the direction the ball is going to go and when you about to hit the ball your goes from backwards to forwards to release the power on the ball.

Smash-jump up, lean back, raise your arm up and hit the ball with your palm. When hitting the ball swing your arm to release the power. What was your involvement in the sport and how did you use these skills and techniques? My involvement in the sport was just taking part in the exercise and participates with the groups we were put to. I used the serve in the first exercise when we had to stand on the base line and serve over the net using overarm and underarm serve. Also the second exercise was introducing the smash. One person standing near to the net you pass the ball to him using volley and then he set you up for a smash and then you just smash it over the net.

During this session my STRENGTHS were: In this session my strengths were underarm serve which I found easy to deal with and also the smash. I also found easy to serve from the base line using underarm serve and then providing serve from a set up. During this session my WEAKNESSES were: In this session my weaknesses were overarm serve which I couldn’t find the right technique to get it over the net. I the exercise where we had to stand at the base line and use overarm serve I found really hard.

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