Training using the program

In general after the six weeks of training using the program I had devised I found that many of my physical and motor skills had improved. Some of these skills were improved greatly whereas others not so much. For example my explosive strength has increased a great deal. To keep up the same standards of performance it is necessary to try to maintain them by practicing these types of available exercises whenever possible. This will lead to keeping up the levels of that skill and would help to further improve it as time went on.

With further work, the skills at which I did not perform so well, such as building endurance by jogging would also start to gradually improve. These skills could then all be expanded upon and modified to be used on the sporting field for the particular sport of your choosing. For example, I could use explosive strength skills in a football match as an attacker jumping to head the ball from a static position. Or the events that help improve agility will equip the body better for tasks such as running with the ball.

On the whole, coming away from this program I felt much better and was able to achieve goals I set myself with better results because of the improvements to my body and the way it worked. The program helped develop my skills and capabilities in nearly all the ways I had set out to do. However, if I were to do the whole program again changes would be made to help whoever was using the program to get better results.

For example, I may change some events such as the station with the four minute jog as it is too long and takes too much energy away from a person for this type of program. The type of thing I would change it for would be an event that also would deal with increasing endurance such as a shorter type of running event or one that tests the muscles more. I believe that I created a good training program and with more development and expansion could be made even better so that it could be used to help people wanting to train themselves. The work of the police is vital to everyone in this country.

They are dedicated to delivering services, in partnership with the community, to keep England the best and safest place to be. They are honest and open in interacting with the members of the community. They try to be honourable to the community so they do what is right. They try to treat the community fairly, so they can get respect from them, so everyone can be treated in an imperial, equitable, sensitive and ethical manner. They value member of the community, and show understanding and appreciation for similarities and people’s different. They are professionals, responsible and show the community that they are dependable in dealing with different ethnic groups. They try to bring positive attitude to the community so they can gain public trust.

In Victorian time, the police was totally different from today; it was called the tithing system. Examples: Justice was primarily a manner of revenge. This was from 1066 to 1285. When a man became aware of crime, he was obligated to “raise a hue and cry”, and there was a parish constable-watch system, which mean that they appointed one man in each parish of tithing to serve as Police officer (constable) for a years. These two charts are examples to show you how the Police have changed, not only from Victorian times but recently. They show how Violent and property crime has changed over the years.

There are a number of advantages to be had from undertaking the training program and no obvious disadvantages that can be thought of immediately. Some of the stations included in the program can be fun to carry out and only …

The training program I have designed is set up in such a fashion that not only will lead to better fitness if the activities are carried out efficiently but will also allow anyone undergoing the program to warm themselves up …

Well the aim of my training program is to increase my fitness level after the six weeks of the program. It will also help develop my football skills and my stamina and endurance while playing football. My current fitness level …

planning of training program i doing my training program on football you need alot of fitness to play in midfeild and you need to stay away from injuries and hope to keep your performance level high. I will inhance my play by setting …

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