Explanation of Training Program

The training program I have designed is set up in such a fashion that not only will lead to better fitness if the activities are carried out efficiently but will also allow anyone undergoing the program to warm themselves up whilst doing the program just before going into more testing exercises before warming down again with simpler tasks that should suit the body. STATIONS 1&2 The first two activities are ones that do not require any vigorous activity. If done correctly they are steady exercises that build up strength, endurance and improve flexibility. Whilst doing these the muscles will warm up and will be ready for more challenging events. The first six activities are all examples of physical fitness.

I will spend three minutes on each of the first two activities, which will allow for a good start to the program. No rest is required between the first and second activities so they will lead into each other; however, a short rest of two minutes after activity 2 (in which stretching other muscles will take place) will be required. STATION 3 The next activity is shuttle runs in which speed and agility should increase. This activity requires a good amount of work to be done and the results should show this. This activity will be carried out for approximately 4-5 minutes and after this event there will be a two and a half minute break to allow the breathing rate and heart rate to resume to normal levels.

STATION 4 Activity four is a vertical jumping exercise that improves explosive strength and will allow me to jump higher with practice. These will last for two minutes. STATION 5 This is a thirty meter sprint that will improve speed. This is the last of any activities that could prove to be more tiring and another two-minute rest will take place. STATION 6 Station six is a step test that will improve cardio-vascular endurance which is very important in any sport as a high level of endurance means people can perform better for longer. It will go on until I reach 100 steps.

STATION 7 The seventh station is an example of motor fitness, a simple juggling a football activity that improves co-ordination, control and skill on the ball. This will be done for five minutes after which there will be a three-minute break before a five-minute jog. STATION 8 The jog, as the eighth activity, will help to improve endurance in the muscles. It is a type of physical fitness that will last for five minutes and afterwards there will be a 3 minute break.

STATION 9 With the activities getting less tasking as the programme goes on the ninth station is no different. It is another way of improving explosive strength and will also help me to be able to jump further forwards. The activity is standing broad jumping and it will last for 3 minutes. STATION 10 The tenth and final station is a task that requires me to try to balance along a beam. It is a type of motor fitness that should improve balance and co-ordination. The training program is then completed after the tenth station. The events selected all help to improve parts of fitness essential to football players no matter what position they play. The order of events was also selected specifically in a way that it is hoped will be more efficient and beneficial to those undergoing this particular program.

There are a number of advantages to be had from undertaking the training program and no obvious disadvantages that can be thought of immediately. Some of the stations included in the program can be fun to carry out and only …

I want to get more fitter because I want to play as a centre midfielder in football, I have not had any injuries in the past apart from a few back problems. I think that for someone who is 14 years …

planning of training program i doing my training program on football you need alot of fitness to play in midfeild and you need to stay away from injuries and hope to keep your performance level high. I will inhance my play by setting …

Well the aim of my training program is to increase my fitness level after the six weeks of the program. It will also help develop my football skills and my stamina and endurance while playing football. My current fitness level …

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