Training programme

I chose these training methods because I think they really help in a 6 week training diary to improve mainly cardiovascular system and muscular strength. They are also not boring activities as some of them are done in the athletics tracks, which makes my client breathe fresh air and get in the running atmosphere. Smart goals for his weaknesses: I have made SMART goals for this 6-week training programme. This will help my client from the beginning to the end.

It will help him by making sure he focuses on the training programme, make him motivate and confident. His muscular strength in his abdominals will hopefully improve from 42 sit ups a minute to at least 50, then 28 cm at the sit and reach test will be improved at least to 35cm and finally his cardiovascular will be improved from his present results to at least 2 more levels in the Treadmill. But I will also work on his arms and legs to gain muscular strength for his skills in volleyball, e.g spiking and blocking.

Now I am going to make sure I start the six week training programme. Week 1 This first week I am going to start with a first session of testing his fitness levels. To test his cardiovascular system, I will put the fitness test option in the treadmill and will last for ten minutes. To test his muscular strength I will make him do weights such as seated shoulder press, bicep curls, etc. this will be carried out with 12 repetitions and 3 sets in each machine and I will also carry out the hand grip test to show a specific result. I will just make sure what weight he is confident with and see what level he is at. Finally I will carry out the seat and reach test to make sure he is capable of doing what he said and we will also do passive stretches so I can feel what muscles he has to work on best. Flexibility will always be in every session at the beginning and the end of every day, as warm ups and cool downs are extremely necessary to avoid injuries and retain lactic acid in the muscles.

Monday Wednesday Friday 10 minutes running which will be done in the treadmill with “fitness test” option. 12 minute run on the Treadmill, in a normal jogging pace. 12 minutes run on the athletics track doing interval training. 4 minutes jogging, 1 minute sprint, this till the end of 12 minutes. Working with muscles: bicep curls, Triceps push down, Bench press, seated leg extension and seated leg curl all of this, 3 sets of 12 repetitions with 1 minute rest between sets and 2 minutes rest between different exercise and a hand grip test to show a specific result.

Work at the same weight levels we did on Monday and same muscle groups: Bicep curls, Triceps push down, Bench press, seated leg extension and seated leg curl all of this, 3 sets of 12 repetitions with 1 minute rest between sets and 2 minutes rest between different exercise. Bicep curls, Triceps push down, Bench press, seated leg extension and seated leg curl all of this, 3 sets of 12 repetitions with 1 minute rest between sets and 2 minutes rest between different exercise. Increasing 2 kg in the last set of each different exercise.

Sit and reach test and passive stretches on the groin, hamstring, quadriceps, back, biceps, triceps, gastrocnemius and gluteus, all will be kept for 30 seconds. Passive stretches on the less flexible muscles and static stretches on more flexible group muscles(groin, hamstring, quadriceps, back, biceps, triceps, gastrocnemius and gluteus). All will be kept for 30 seconds. Passive stretches on the less flexible muscles and static stretches on more flexible group muscles (groin, hamstring, quadriceps, back, biceps, triceps, gastrocnemius and gluteus). All will be kept for 35 seconds. I think these three sessions will be a good way of introducing hard effort into the development of Philip. We ended up the week with a hard session, of interval training, adding weight to develop muscle strength and finally added 5 seconds to each stretch in the warm up and cool down.

Week 2 In the second week I’m going to make sure I focus in the cardiovascular exercises. I will develop a Fartlek training programme to be done in Friday, a circuit training to be developed in Monday, and in Wednesday will be a complex day, which will have treadmill training, weight and flexibility training, all in the gym.

I have chosen to base my session in the gym as a qualified instructor can then watch the performer and ensure they are performing each station correctly with no health and safety risks and monitor the effort they are putting …

At the gym I did 15 minute run on treadmill, 15minute cycle on exercise bike, then did 8 sets of ten bicep curls with 7kg weight, then finish with slow jog on treadmill for 15 minutes Friday: In P. E. …

I will be trying to improve my fitness, upper body strength and agility. This is because I feel that these are my weaknesses when I am in a competitive situation against others. To improve these aspects of my performance I …

Each week will consist of 3 sessions; I will be continually running, swimming, and cycling once a week to improve my cardiovascular endurance. Warm-Ups for running will be a very slow jog to begin with before I set the proper pace …

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