Training programm

This would help you to increase your pace and it would also test your stamina. Bringing up your thigh as high as you can, just below chest height. Doing this for both legs for a long period of time would help you with your limb speed. If this is repeated very often as part of a training programme you would be able to move your legs more higher (which is an important issue in striding) and more smoothly without using a large amount of energy. Shoulders remain square to the direction of running. On the spot practice-arm action into the forward and backward motion required.

Check that the shoulders are square to the front of the body. Speed depends on the blend of two factors: – 1. Stride length 2. Rate of striding The physique will determine stride length. So a good practice solution could be to emphasise and increase the rate of striding and arm action and also a faster contact of the ground with the recovery leg. Speed is obviously the top priority for a sprinter, in the 100 metres you should be able to maintain your top speed for the course of the race without slowing down at any point.

These are called pyramids because an athlete builds up to a maximum distance and then winds down the other side. A 100/200m pyramid should be: 200m 150m 150m 100m 100m 50m 50m Allow yourself a set time to rest between sprints, three minutes is probably best. As you get fitter, reduce your rest time between sprints. Hill Sprints Find a steep grassy hill, sprint to the top concentrating on driving hard with your arms and legs. This is an excellent exercise for building up leg and shoulder muscles and developing drive from the rear leg.

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