Sprint Training Plan

Explain how fit you think you are, and if you have any injuries or health problems. Outline how much physical activity you get in a typical week. State what targets you expect to achieve by the end of the 5 sessions in terms of aspects of fitness/skills you want to improve. 5 marks My Current Level of Health: I suffer from no prominent illnesses. Although I have had a few previous injuries where I pulled my hamstring and gastronemius, which kept me out of training for 3 months and I had to have physiotherapy for it fortunately they recovered. Although I still do have problems with my ankles, which are very weak from a previous injury that never recovered, and sometimes in training if working particularly hard it can cause a strain on my Physiatic nerve.

Fitness Generally I think I am quite a fit person. For Athletics I train every Tuesday and Thursday, overall in the week I do 3 hours of training for athletics. In the winter we do circuit training on Thursdays, which is hard. In the summer we have meets every second Saturday or Sunday, which are for most of the day and sometimes I have them for school during the week. At school I do 3 hours of PE, which involves sports such as: hockey, netball, basketball, badminton, athletics, volleyball, trampolining and rounders. In the beginning of each school year I also have netball practice for 1 hour a week, and sometimes we have matches which, are probably about an hour overall. Every evening I try to do aerobic exercises, which include exercises that work out my abdominals, quads/gastronemius, biceps/triceps, gluteals and trapezius/deltoid.

Targets Quicker starts, (improve reaction time). Improve endurance, so can last at top speed throughout the race. Increase speed, so I can get quicker times. Improve stride and arm length, to make my speed quicker. Keep focused, so I can run quickly. Awareness of Safety Aspects Outline any potential risks with any apparatus/equipment. What factors will you need to consider when planning the order/types of exercises? Explain how and why you will prepare your body for exercise/and help it to recover afterwards.

5 marks

In our circuit there aren’t a lot of risks of injury for us. The only things that could cause injury are our spikes and the un-level ground from the school’s grass track. From our spikes there is the possibility of getting deep cuts, which can be often when doing drills, stretches, and starts. From the School’s grass track on our field there is the danger of twisting ankles and straining muscle, which could put us out of training for a while. This is because the ground is not very level because during other sports seasons such as football and rugby part of the grass track is used as parts of their pitches. When doing our circuit we need to be aware of other activities that are happening on the field, as we could be a hazard to others and they could be a hazard to us.

Warm-up and Warm-down For our warm up we need to do lots of stretches, drills and a slow lap to allow our muscles to get the blood flowing quicker to supply more oxygen to my muscles and avoid injury. For our warm-down we should do some stretches and a slow lap. This is to help get rid of lactic acid/waste products, prevent blood pooling, let the body recover, let my muscles return back to their normal temperature slowly, and mentally and physically relax.

Appropriateness of Chosen Exercises Explain why you have chosen at least two of the exercises / activities and how they will help you achieve your targets. 5 marks Starts We are doing normal and silly starts to help improve our reaction time. Silly starts involve for example: Lying on your back Sitting cross-legged with arms folded, and facing the opposite way of where we were going. We are doing silly starts because improving our reaction times in awkward positions means that when we go back to doing normal starts it is easier for us to start in those positions so hopefully our starts should be quicker.

We timed our starts to about 30m for normal starts and 5m for silly starts. We aim to improve our times by doing sets of four in each session. 150m and 200m We are going to do 150m and 200m because it will increase our endurance and speed in the 100m. If we aim to improve our speed and endurance in those events then we would hopefully improve our speed in the 100m, and be able to last at that speed for longer.

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