Training Program

I am doing my personal exercise programme to hopefully increase the level of my muscular endurance and cardio-vascular fitness. I would also intentionally improve my overall agility which is suitable for the position I play in football. I expect to improve my upper body strength from all of the sessions, allowing me to increase my efficiency in playing football by becoming stronger. My current level of health: I do not suffer from persistent illnesses like asthma, and I rarely sercombe any injuries, at this moment in time I don’t maintain any that will affect me when doing my training. This means I will be able to recieve an accurate set of results.

My current level of fitness: I excersise for a fairly substainal amount of time in a routened week, so my general fitness level is fairly high. General fitness concerns the day-to-day working of the body, otherley known as health related fitness as it basically keeps you healthy. Increases the chances of preventing accidents, heart disease, stress, muscle injury and other health problems. I am generally fit to cope with numerous demands of everyday life, including the following: When I will be participating in my circuit sessions I will be wearing a plain sports t-shirt, shorts and shoes without laces but certainly not jewellerey. It’s important that I’m motivated and feel comfortable in the clothes I wear to get the best out of the sessions and reach my full potential whilst being as safe as possible – the clothes must not restrict any range of movement.

In my warm up I will begin by moving about to get the blood flowing and muscles prepared for stretching, for this to be done efficently it should last for firstly 5 minutes. I already know a great deal about stretching as it is a vital component of my diving and is also used in football, badmington and tennis. Stretching exercises should be done carefully to reduce the risk of injury to the muscles or joints. A warm-up is the key to unlocking tight muscles, which is the cause of injury, therefore a warm-up is mandatory before any stretching of the muscles.

I personally prefer to stretch from the top of my body then townwards: Neck Turning my head to the right and hold this position for five seconds (repeat for the left). Looking up as far as possible and hold this position for five seconds (repeat for downwards). Tilting my head to the right and hold this position for five seconds (repeat for left) Shoulders Shrug my shoulders up and then down. Raise my elbows to help the shoulders to go higher. Then shrug my shoulders in a circle – clockwise, and then anti-clockwise. Repeating each movement for roughly ten times.

Triceps Put one of my hands over my head, reaching towards the ceiling.then bending that arm at the elbow, bringing my hand behind your neck. I will use the other hand to push down on the elbow of my first arm, pressing that elbow towards the floor. I will hold this stretch for ten seconds and repeat for the other arm. Hips I will stand with both feet firmly on the floor Rotateing my hips in a circle – clockwise, and then anti-clockwise. Repeating each movement for roughly ten times. Groins Firstly I will sit on the floor with my feet together, bringing them close to my pelvis. Then grasping my knees with my hands, I’ll push them knees towards the floor slowly, trying to get them as close as possible to the floor.

I will hold the stretch for ten seconds. Hamstrings Whilst standing, I will lock my legs and extend my arms overhead, clasping my hands. Keeping my legs straight, I must bend over to try and touch feet Hold for ten seconds Then I’ll spread my legs, and grasp either the right or left leg. Bring my torso towards the chosen leg, holding the stretch for ten seconds – repeat for the other leg. Quadriceps Standing upwards, I will balance on one foot with the other leg held straight. Reach behind myself to grasp my ankle with the oposite hand. Pull gently upwards on my ankle. Hold this stretch for ten seconds, and repeat for the other leg.Calfs Face a wall and place my hands on it at about shoulder height. Keep one leg pointed diagonally straight, and the other pointed vertically downwards but bent at the knee Pressing my heel of the back leg downwards to the floor Stretching each calf for ten seconds.

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