Training activity

I will record my heart rate before and after I do my training programme. I will take my pulse for a minute before and after exercise. I must ensure that I consider safety at all times, in order to avoid injury or damage to equipment, firstly I must not use a weight which ids too heavy for me, I must always use two people to carry benches or crash mats and I must always put weights onto crash mats. I will need to use weights, benches, stop watches, crash mats and a tape measurer.

I will include the following in my circuit: press ups (for upper body strength to win air challenges), sit ups (for upper body strength to win air challenges), shuttle runs (to help muscular endurance), squats with weights (for leg strength), bench presses (to level the triceps and biceps balance), bench squats (to help leg muscles), skipping (for quick feet and agility), and the sit and reach test(to help flexibility although it is not essential in football you are less prone to injury)and step ups

Safety! Press ups: hold in a straight position to avoid back injury. Sit ups: hold your temples not the back of your head to avoid neck injury. Chin ups: must hold the bar with your hands on the opposite side to your body with your hands facing you. Squats with weights: do not use a weight too heavy for you. Bench presses: you must always put your whole hand on the bench so that they do not slide of and hurt yourself.

Sit and reach test: you must hold the position you reach for at least two seconds, Step ups: put your whole heel on the bench to avoid knee injury How to perform the activities! Press ups: you lay down with your arms taking your weight then lower and lift yourself repeatedly. Sit ups: sit down with your knees up, and pull your head to your knees and then lower Chin ups: put your hands on a beam above your head then lift your chin up above the beam and then lower. Squats with weights: hold weights above your head and then lower yourself at your knees.

Bench presses: have a bench behind you and you sit with your buttocks slightly of the ground keeping it of the ground by putting your hands on the bench you then lower and lift yourself. Sit and reach test: you sit with your feet against the box, and then stretch your hands as far as you can and keep that position. Step ups: step up onto a bench with both feet then step down. 30 seconds rest between each exercise I have chosen to structure my circuit in this order so that there are not the same muscle groups being used next to each other, this will help prevent fatigue.

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