There are a number of designs available for this product and some of them are illustrated below (Purest filters, 2009) This product basically works on UV technologies and is the reason why the product does not require electric connections in order to be effective. There is an in-depth explanation towards understanding the way this device works and it requires some basic known in chemistry and physics. (Development marketplace, 2008) Ultraviolet light water purification and filtration is not a new concept.
In fact, research shows that the method has been in use for the past one hundred years; the only thing that differs is the way in which these devices are created, their size, portability, weight and materials used to make them. In certain circumstances even municipal drinking supplies are purified using ultraviolet light purification systems. Examples of cities that have been using this process include Seattle, New York, Rotterdam alongside other cities located throughout the world. Over the past few decades, smaller or medium scale ultraviolet systems have been made available to residents in different parts of North America.
Examples of companies that have created such systems include: -Atlantic UV -Sterilight -UV Pure -Trojan technologies Usually, these systems have been bought by residents for use in homes, cottages, churches, community centers and many other public facilities. Usually, the latter consumers may purchase such devices in order to ensure that microbiological contamination has been eliminated from their water systems. It should be noted that different UV systems are designed for different purposes depending on what one is looking for within a specific system.
For instance, some may eliminate chemicals while others may deal with sediment contamination alone. Normally people living in rural conditions are the ones in need of such a device. When they conduct a water test known as the bad water test, it is often common to find certain coli or coliform bacteria in dangerous waters or water that may not be fit for human consumption. There are two ways in which one can deal with elimination of these bacteria; either through employment of chemical treatment through the use of chlorine or through the use of ultraviolet light.
In chemistry, chlorine is one of the most powerful group seven elements. It has the ability to attract electrons from other chemicals and is therefore every efficient in attacking bacteria in water. Usually, it does this by getting to the tissues prevalent within those specific bacteria. There is usually one major problem with the use of chlorine and this is its attraction towards other electrons could lead to the formation of compounds with harmful chemical agents in water and this may also be detrimental to one’s health.
(Purest filters, 2009) Ultraviolet radiations offer a different approach because there is no danger of forming harmful compounds within the sample to be purified. Instead, the latter system works by killing microorganism and bacteria that pass by the UV dispenser. Usually, most ultraviolet devices posses a steel chamber that contains a UV dispenser in the form of a lamp. Ballast is normally placed in order to power up this lamp. Biological cells are quite sensitive to any form of radiation that they may be subjected to.
This is largely because their composition is normally distorted through certain powerful rays such as UV rays. Bacterial cells are much simpler in structure than those of other living organics and if it is therefore quite easy to destroy them using the latter method. It should be noted that the latter diagrammatic illustration of the UV bottles may be simplified even further. This is largely because persons in third world countries may not be in a position to afford heavy or complicated looking bottles.
Since the state of poverty in some of these countries is quite high; that the average person would not think of purchasing any thing other than his or her basic needs, then one needs to consider some of the alternatives that can be used to make the system more effective. For instance, the product could be taken to non governmental organizations working in such areas. Additionally, these countries’ governments can be approached about the possibilities of donating such systems in cholera stricken areas.
If the burden of purchasing the time is taken away from the people, then chances are that prevalence rates will be drastically minimized. (Purest filters, 2009) Also, companies that have pioneered ultraviolet technology should consider taking the devices to third world countries for free as an act of charity. A certain group such as the International Red Cross can work hand in hand with such groups to deal with the specific problem of water safety. It should also be noted that the people in the African continent also need to be educated about the benefits of the product and how to use them effectively.
Additionally, some considerations ought to be given about the best site of manufacture which in this case should be at the heart of the problem in Africa. Also, there should be adequate education and distribution of some of these systems so as to ensure proper maintenance. Conclusion The latter paper has looked at a UV biological device to be used for treating water in order to make it fit for consumption. The target population is the African continent as it possesses the highest prevalence rate of cholera which is the disease of concern.
The technology behind the device is such that ultraviolet rays destroy bacterial cell structures responsible for causing cholera and thus prevents people from catching the disease.
Purest filters (2009): Ultraviolet filters for home and commercial water filtering, retrieved from http://www. purestfilters. com/ accessed on 23 Feb. 2008 Development marketplace (2008): UV Buckets purify water, retrieved from http://web. worldbank. org/WBSITE/EXTERNAL/OPPORTUNITIES/GRANTS/DEVMARKETPLACE/0,,contentMDK:21558318~isCURL:Y~pagePK:180691~piPK:174492~theSitePK:205098,00. html