The healthcare industry

The healthcare industry is undoubtedly facing several challenges in today’s world. These include equal and fair access to healthcare facilities and programs, affordable treatments and procedures, quality of healthcare provided, and professionalism and excellence of healthcare providers. I, for one, have always wanted to be part of this industry no matter how difficult the path towards becoming a certified practitioner may be. Specifically, I wish to contribute by being a pharmacist.

Hence, I deem that an educational environment that ensures lifelong success in the healthcare industry by providing students with excellent education combined with practical or real-life learning experiences is indeed necessary. Out of all the pharmacy schools I looked into, only one captured my attention greatly – the University of the Pacific. For one, its mission of fostering a student-centered learning environment is what aspirants to the industry need.

Since the focus is on us students, the school will enrich our knowledge and practical abilities to enable us to be effective future practitioners. In line with this, majoring in pharmacy in this educational institution calls for hard work and focus to academics. As this may be stressful and full of pressure, a student-focused learning environment will come in handy as this will lighten the academic workload with activities and events inside and even outside the University.

These will likewise be opportunities to meet other aspirants to the industry, thereby enabling friendships and connections for future use. Moreover, as the University’s focus is on students, I am guaranteed to be under the care of a humanistic educational institution that will nurture not just my mind but also my talents and skills. In addition, since the University’s commitment is to guarantee such a humanistic approach to education, I am certain to gain the adequate training that will enable me to address the needs of patients who will be under my care.

Additionally, the University will likewise provide me with the ethical and professional standards needed in the practice of profession. This will ensure high quality of healthcare I will extend and to guarantee that I become an excellent practitioner guided by only the proper code of practice. Furthermore, unlike other pharmacy schools, the University of the Pacific offers the pharmacy program for a shorter period of time.

This will be advantageous on my part as well as on my professional goals as this only means I will have an earlier opportunity to practice the profession and ultimately be of service to others as an effective pharmacist. The shorter study period will likewise enable me to grasp immediately the concepts, theories, and practical applications that I need to know and understand. This will in turn lead to a more focused learning experience on my part.

In addition, with the University of the Pacific, I am confident that my success in the healthcare industry will be guaranteed because of the dedicated faculty and staff who are not only educators but more importantly practitioners in their respective fields. Hence, only the best education and practical learning advantage will be given to me. Needless to say, the state-of-the-art learning facilities that I will be fortunate to use as well as the personal attention that I will receive from the University will supplement the student-centered, sufficient, and satisfactory education and training I will receive.

Hence after graduation, I will not only become a pharmacist, but also a critical thinker and problem solver capable of dealing with the rapidly changing and ever-challenging healthcare environment. Completing the Doctor of Pharmacy Program at the University of the Pacific is my ultimate professional goal so that I can help bring about change in today’s world by way of a pharmacy degree.

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