Healthcare Industry

This chapter is devoted to the presentation of the results obtained by the researcher from the use of survey questionnaire that looked into the views and perceptions of one hundred and fifty (150) respondents who are all members of the American healthcare industry.

The presentation of the results will be divided in the same manner as the questions in the data collection tool are categorized; these are the following: (1) the demographic information of the respondents; (2) the respondents’ perceptions of the current status of supply management in the healthcare industry in general; and finally, (3) the status of supply management in the institution of healthcare to which they belong to. Moreover, the results that shall be presented in chapter will be discussed and compared with the qualitative data earlier presented in the literature review.

This would help the researcher in determining whether or not the results of the survey complement that of the results of the studies of previous researchers. 4. 2. Demographic Information This subsection, as the heading implies, shall present the demographic information of the respondents of this study: (1) the respondents’ age; (2) their gender; and finally, (3) the number of years they are a part of the healthcare industry. 4. 2. 1. Age They were asked to determine the age category from which they belong to from the following options: (1) 20-29; (2) 30-39; (3) 40-49; (4) 50-59; and lastly, (5) above 60.

Four (4) or 2. 7% reveal that they belong to the first category which means that they are between twenty to twenty nine years old. Secondly, fifty five (55) or 36. 7% said that they are aged 30-39, therefore belonging to the second category. Meanwhile, majority of the respondents (sixty seven out of one hundred fifty or 44. 7%) said that they are aged 40-49, thus a part of the third category. On the other hand, there are only nineteen respondents (12. 7%) who are in the fourth group or those that are aged 50-59.

Lastly, the results of the survey show that amongst the one hundred and fifty respondents, only five (5) or 3. 3% are above the age of sixty. Table 4. 2. 1. and Chart 4. 2. 1. graphically illustrate these results. Aside from the age of the respondents, the researcher also looked into the former’s gender. The survey reveals that fifty percent of the respondents (seventy five out of one hundred fifty) are males and the females, in the same manner comprise fifty percent of the sample. These results are presented in Table 4.

2. 2. and Chart 4. 2. 2. The last demographic information analyzed in the study was the number of years that the respondents belong in the healthcare industry, either as an employee of a healthcare institution or supplier. They were asked to choose from the following, depending on the number of years that they have served in the healthcare industry: (1) less than one year; (2) one to five years; and finally, (3) more than five years. Among the one hundred and fifty respondents, one hundred and nine (109) or 72.

7% said that are members of the healthcare industry for less than one year. On the other hand, thirty eight or 25. 3% said that they had been members of this industry for one to five years. Lastly, the results reveal that only three out of one hundred and fifty respondents or 2. 0% said that they had been employed in the healthcare industry for more than five years. These results are summarized in Table 4. 2. 3. and Chart 4. 2. 3. 4. 3. The Respondents’ Perceptions of the Current Status of Supply Management in the Healthcare Industry.

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