The caring efficacy scale

Watson (1979) and Bandura (1977). It is noteworthy that the inventory borrows from Watson’s theory of transpersonal caring and Bandura’s concept of efficacy (Guzzetta, 1998, p. 26). Variables Measured The caring efficacy scale is a tool that can be used to conduct patient outcome assessment as well as study costs. In a nutshell, the caring efficacy scale assesses the strength of a caring relationship with a patient or a client. Additionally, the caring efficacy scale has the ability to determine attitudes and cognition that are required to develop behaviors in a direction of interest.

Dimensions Environmental factors, cognitive factors and biological factors are the three main dimensions that are adopted under the caring efficacy scale. Description The original caring efficacy scale had 46 items; this was later reduced to 30. Each subject or participant responds to six point likert-type scale questions (Guzzetta, 1998, pp. 26-27). Positively worded questions under the caring efficacy scale are converted to a 1 to 6 scale and negatively worded items score similar negative scores (Guzzetta, 1998, p. 27). Target population The caring efficacy scale is used for adults.

Administration There are a total of 30 items. Self administration and interviews can be used in administration of the caring efficacy scale. Additionally, computers can be used in administrating the caring efficacy scale. Scoring The time required to score and interpret data from the caring inventory scale ranges between 8 and 15 minutes depending on whether the tasks are done manually or with the aid of computers. Psychometrics There are various researchers that have sought to determine the reliability and validity of the caring inventory scale.

Cronchba’s alpha values of 0. 85 and 0.88 were found for form A and B respectively (Guzzetta, 1998, p. 27). These values are depictive of high levels of internal consistency for both form A and B. Validation studies have also been carried out on the caring efficacy scale. The caring efficacy scale was established to display high levels of congruency with Watson’s carative factors. This is depictive of high content validity. Additional studies have established that the caring efficacy scale displays considerably high levels of concurrent validity (Guzzetta, 1998, p. 27). Costs Acquiring the caring efficacy scale requires at least $4 for the instrument.

The instruments can be bought online and is available in few selected stores. Instrument’s Name: Alcohol use Inventory Germinal author: Horn and Wanberg (Horn, Wanberg, & Foster, 1990, p. 315) Variables measured The alcohol use inventory is developed to investigate variables relating to the use of alcohol in people over the age of 16 years. The alcohol use inventory is used by researchers, psychologists, social workers and physicians for reasons such as identification of traits of alcohol abuse, developing treatment plans and individualized plans (Horn, Wanberg, & Foster, 1990, p. 315). Dimensions

The alcohol use inventory seeks to investigate behaviors, attitudes and symptoms via its 24 scale structure. Evidently, the scales are designed to measure different aspects relating to the use of alcohol. The alcohol use inventory presents various indicators that are vital in using a multiple construct theory to the use of alcohol. The instrument is based on the theory that there are differences in perceptions of the benefits of drinking, benefits of drinking and even styles of drinking (Horn, Wanberg, & Foster, 1990, p. 315). Thus the alcohol use inventory is based on the assumption that every alcohol addict is a distinct gestalt.

The alcohol use inventory can be used for adolescents over the age of 16 years and adults (Horn, Wanberg, & Foster, 1990, p. 315). Administrative Issues There are a total of 228 items in the alcohol use inventory. The inventory …

Based on these emerging ideologies, Dr. Watson was able to develop nursing values and practices of human caring directed towards subjective evaluation of the inner healing processes and how the person experiences the world in which he/she is placed. In …

Through time the needs to be a nurse and the definition of nursing has changed slightly through time. The one characteristic that seems to be consistent through time is a nurse should be caring. Jean Watson incorporated a theory- The …

Every individual has his/her own unique perception of caring. There are so many ways to show caring that the possibilities are endless. Nurses are often associated with caring because they support, comfort, and help the patient recover to the best …

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