Caring in Nursing

Every individual has his/her own unique perception of caring. There are so many ways to show caring that the possibilities are endless. Nurses are often associated with caring because they support, comfort, and help the patient recover to the best of their ability. Their experiences dealing with different patients that have unique situations on a daily basis help them become better caregivers. Personally I have had several experiences with some great nurses that have shaped my definition of what caring should portray.

My maternal grandmother has had many health issues in the past years and has been in and out hospitals due to heart problems, infections, and surgeries. It is extremely difficult to deal with loved ones being ill because there is not much we can do to heal them. While my grandmother was hospitalized, the nurses who took care of her showed compassion and treated her with her with dignity and respect. Nursing is a profession that demands trust and the nurses who took care of my grandmother gained her trust and the family’s trust as well.

They would constantly check on her, made sure she was eating and drinking enough, assessed and managed her pain, helped her to the bathroom, and, made her comfortable in bed. The nurses would also communicate to us of all of my grandmother’s behavioral changes, alterations to her care plan, and her response to treatment and care given. My family and I were relieved to know that the nurses did care and were doing everything possible to keep my grandmother comfortable and on the most effective treatment. In my personal opinion, caring is the essence of nursing.

My definition of caring is attending to someone’s needs with their best interest in mind, while comforting and listening to their responses to prevent or treat illness. Nurses do not need recognition to know that they are doing their job well. When they get to see their patient leave the hospital they know that it was worth all the long hours and treatment to get them there. I cannot wait to care for people every day, give them hope, and listen to their experiences. I know that it will not be easy, but I am confident in preparing myself and gaining the knowledge necessary to give hope even to those who refuse to get well.

I want to make a difference in someone’s life, and comfort those in times of loss. I intend to be a nurse who will never give up on her patients no matter how terminal their illness, I will always be there encouraging them to enjoy every second they have. I will treat my patients with respect, dignity, kindness, compassion, caring, understanding, and do the best to give them a positive outlook. Happiness, joy, and enthusiasm are very contagious, and a simple smile, touch, or even one word can turn around a patient’s day.

I will do my best to understand their history, illness, and treatment to keep them informed and updated on their health status. I will always put my patient first and encourage them to communicate fears, stories, needs, hopes, and comforts to have a better understanding of the most efficient way to help them recover. As I gain more knowledge on how to efficiently care for patients, I will progress daily on becoming a better nurse. Caring is an ongoing process that never ends, so nursing is a challenge will conquer every day with a smile on my face. There are no words that can express how excited I am to become the best nurse I can be.

In my opinion, caring is the key to nursing, and without it nursing would be nonexistent. Knowing from experience great nurses can relieve a lot of stress and anxiety while taking good care of your loved ones. I want to make others’ painful moments easier and more comfortable in times of stress and sadness. I want to help them cope and give them strength in times of weakness. I know nursing is not a glorious career by any means but I cannot picture myself doing anything more important and honorable with my life than saving and recovering someone else’s life.

Based on these emerging ideologies, Dr. Watson was able to develop nursing values and practices of human caring directed towards subjective evaluation of the inner healing processes and how the person experiences the world in which he/she is placed. In …

Jean Watson’s theory of human caring is about nursing and caring being side by side. According to Watson, a person can not completely heal from a disease/condition if only the disease is treated and the person is not(Watson, 1999). Meaning, …

Nursing has always been synonymous with caring. Dr. Jean Watson describes caring as the center of all nursing practices and that it is “a moral ideal rather than a task-oriented behavior” (Tomey & Alligood, 2006, p. 94). At this time …

Through time the needs to be a nurse and the definition of nursing has changed slightly through time. The one characteristic that seems to be consistent through time is a nurse should be caring. Jean Watson incorporated a theory- The …

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