Sports medicine has helped athletes recover from horrible accidents into miracles. In this research paper, I will be talking about Sports Medicine, then and now. The history of sports medicine goes back thousands of years ago. An Egyptian surgical manual written during the era of the Old Kingdom – more than 4000 years ago – explained treatments for sprains and dislocations. Hippocrates (460-377 BC), the Ancient Greek honored as the father of medicine, described surgery to repair a dislocated shoulder noting that, ” Many persons owing to this accident have been obliged to abandon gymnastic exercises.
” Participation in athletics is both an enjoyable pastime and a part of keeping physically and mentally fit. Some people may only be interested in general conditioning and weight loss, while others may want specific exercises for certain events. Regardless the activity, taking risks are always necessary, and today’s physician must be able to not only be able treat the various injuries that happen, but also offer guidance and help on a wide range of other related issues.
“The 15th century saw what we would call physical education when Vittorino de Feltre and Maffeus Veginus introduced exercise into the educational curriculum. One of the landmarks was the publication of six books on ‘The Art of Gymnastics’ by Gerolomo Mercuriale, who classified exercises as being either preventive or therapeutic. Laurent Joubert Montpelier introduced therapeutic exercise into the medical school curriculum, and Ambriose Pare, the great barber surgeon great barber surgeon, was the first to point out that exercise of the limbs after the primary treatment of fractures is nessacary to recovery.
Sports medicine in America had its start with Edward Hitchcock, MD, who was appointed Amherst College’s first instructor of physical education and hygiene in 1854. He was born in Amherst and studied at Amherst and later at Tremont and Harvard Medical Schools. He taught at Williston Academy before working at Amherst College. Dr. Hitchcock introduced a new system of physical education at Amherst, including not only running and gymnastics, but also including such sports as baseball and basketball.
He also served as the school physician and instituted anthropomorphic measurements of Amherst students as well as recording the incidence of disease and injury at the college. Dr. Hitchcock published one textbook and 161 articles on various subjects in sports medicine, such as, ‘Athletics in American Colleges’, ‘Basketball for Women,’ and ‘What the College May Do to Prevent Insanity’*. Ever since surgeon Dr.
Frank Jobe revolutionized baseball in the 1970’s with the pioneering elbow-repair technique now known as “Tommy John” surgery, doctors have been developing innovative ways to treat sports injuries. Now there are multiple branches of sports medicine to explore. Athletic trainer, sports and fitness nutritionist, and sports chiropractor, to name a few. Athletic trainers specialize in preventing, diagnosing, and treating muscle and bone injuries and illnesses.
They work with people of all ages and all skill levels, from young children, to soldiers, and professional athletes. They work under a physician, as well as other healthcare providers. Athletic trainers are usually one of the first healthcare providers on the scene when injuries happen. They often discuss specific injuries and treatment options, or evaluate and treat patients as directed by a physician. Sports and fitness nutritionists are trained to evaluate an athlete’s biochemical composition and physiology in order to create the best nutritional program for them.
Sports and fitness nutritionists usually give consultations to assess their client’s lifestyle, eating habits, training schedule, and use of medications and supplements. In addition with setting short and long-term goals. The sports and fitness nutritionist who might also monitor clients to ensure they keep on track and reach their goals can create customizing a program for achieving those goals. Unlike a general nutritionist, sports and fitness nutritionists attempt to provide clients with nutrition plans that increase stamina and endurance and educate them on post-workout recovery needs.