Sports Centres

In my opinion I think that every types of person is likely to use sports centres because everyone is likely to want to keep fit and healthy in one way or another and these days sports centres offer such a variety of activities to take part in that almost everyone can go along and they will have something suitable for almost every individual. The only people that might not be able to take part in using a leisure centre would be those in “Full Nest 1” because they will be so busy looking after the children and might not have enough time or energy to go to a sports centre.

There is a similar situation with “Full Nest 2” because the parents still have young children that they need to look after. Another group of people that might not visit Sports Centres are the “Solitary Survivors 2”. These people are usually old and their physical capability may limit them from what they can do. Sports centres are beneficial to people’s health because if people use the gym or the swimming pool then they will obviously get fitter and benefit greatly from being fit and healthy.

As well as this, sports centres also have many different activities that people can get involved in which aren’t just physical health related and this can help to calm and relax and make you a healthier person. The groups of people that are likely to get involved with these are the same people that are involved in the section before on sports centres because if people have young children then they are not likely to going to have a lot of leisure time to take part in activities and if they do then they are likely to be very tired so this includes “Full Nest 1 and 2”.

People in “Solitary Survivor 2” are also unlikely to participate in active sports clubs because they will be elderly and less physically able to take part in active sports like these. Active sports are very good for your health. It is extremely beneficial to all aspects of health. It will help to improve all components of fitness and also helps you socially because you meet a lot of new people and friends through playing sport.

Different types of people are likely to use different gyms because there are some gyms that focus specifically on different types of people. The only people that are not likely to use the gym is Solitary Survivors 1 and 2 because they are older and less aware and bothered about their physical fitness than younger people and they are a lot less physically able so they wont be able to do the exercises and meet the physical fitness demands that going to the gym asks for.

Going to the gym is extremely bifacial for an individual’s health because it helps to improve all of your components of fitness. Personal exercise programmes can be made so that your fitness programme suits you and your fitness level and you can improve and work on different components that you feel you need to work on so the gym can suit everyone.

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