Safeguarding: Symptoms and Young People Task

Illnesses Signs and Symptoms Common Cold. Headaches Sore throat Blocked nose Runny nose Temperature Weakness Cough Sneezing Lack of appetite Dysentery / sickness. Diarrhoea Vomiting Dehydrated Loss of appetite Weakness Stomach ache Chicken-Pox. Blister like rash Itchy Temperature Mumps. Swollen jaw Pain when swallowing Temperature Measles. Spots red/brown Cough Runny nose Spots in mouth Temperature Rubella / German Measles. Rash pink/red Temperature Headache Sore throat Runny nose Pertussis / Whooping cough.

Cold Blocked nose Cough with whoop sound Sickness / vomiting Impetigo. Red sores around the mouth and nose, turning to a yellow / brown crust. LO 2, 2. 2 Describe the actions to take when children and young people are ill or injured. The first person who comes across the injured child/young person should start dealing with the situation immediately. Then if needed the First Aider should be contacted. If the injury is an emergency you should remain calm and call 999 and if needed the area should be made safe.

If the injury is to the face/head or if it is a more serious injury parent/carer should be informed. For minor injuries the child/young person would not need to be sent home. The accident/injury should be recorded in an accident/incident book. It should then be signed and counter signed by a witness. The parent/carer should also sign the recording. If a child/young person shows signs of illness during school time the school should inform the parent/carer enabling them to collect the child/young person as soon as possible.

The child/young person would be cared for by staff until the parent/carer arrived. The parent/carer would be asked to keep their child/young person off school until they are fully recovered. The time scale for this would depend on the illness itself. More serious illnesses would also need to be notified to the Local Authorities such as Measles, Mumps and Meningitis. LO 2, 2. 3 Identify circumstances when children and young people might require urgent medical attention. A child/young person may require medical attention when they are.

Severely bleeding Unconscious Choking Showing breathing difficulties Having an epileptic seizure Have a head injury Suspected fracture Disorientated Suspected drug or substance abuse If any of these situations occur you should reassure the child/young person. Keep them calm, warm and still. You should not give them any food or drink. If they are unconscious you should put the child/young person into the recovery position and ensure they are kept safe until the emergency services arrive.

Common childhood illnesses Signs and symptoms Ear infections, the child may pull or rub their ear, and may have a temperature. If the child is well but just has an earache, they can take paracetamol or ibuprofen for 12-24 hours …

The signs and symptoms of common cold are: Severe headache, Runny nose, Sore throat, mild temperature, Persistent crying & cough, Vomiting or abdominal pain. The treatment that a child can undergo to cure this illnesses: Treat the symptoms with antibiotics …

|Learner name: |Sarah Armstrong | |Qualification: |Level 2 Supporting teaching and learning in schools | |Unit number & title: |Unit 6 Safeguarding the welfare of children and young people | | | | | |AC 2. 1 The signs and …

Chicken pox – an infectious virus that also causes shingles in adults. Headache and a fever followed by an itchy, spotty red rash that first appears on the chest and then spreads over the body. It eventually turns to blisters …

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