Safeguarding the Welfare O Children & Young People

The signs and symptoms of common cold are: Severe headache, Runny nose, Sore throat, mild temperature, Persistent crying & cough, Vomiting or abdominal pain. The treatment that a child can undergo to cure this illnesses: Treat the symptoms with antibiotics that were prescribing from the GP, Encourage the child to have an enough rest, encourage the child to drink plenty of water, Let the child to blow their nose all the time. SCARLET FEVER INCUBATION PERIOD: 2- 4 days The signs and symptoms of scarlet fever are:

Headache, Swollen neck glands, Loss of appetite, Nausea or vomiting, Stomach pain, Broken blood vessels in the folds of the body, such as the armpit, which cause red streaks that may last a couple of days after the rash has gone (these are known as pastia lines), A general feeling of being unwell. The treatments for these symptoms are: Have a lot of rest, Always drink a lot of water, Using calamine lotion to relieve itching of the rashes, Taking paracetamol to relieve aches and pains and bring down a high temperature, Taking a 10 – day course of antibiotics, Keeping the children comfortable and making sure the room is cool.

DYSENTERY INCUBATION PERIOD: 1-7 DAYS The signs and symptoms of Dysentery are: Bacillary Dysentery & Amoebic Dysentery: Watery diarrhea that contains blood or mucus, nausea and vomiting, severe abdominal pain, stomach cramps, a high temperature (fever) of 38c (100. 4F) or over, fever and chills, bleeding from their rectum (back passage), loss of appetite and weight. The treatment of these symptoms is: Children will needed medication attention, they need a lot of rest, drinking a lot of water but if the child vomits let them sip at least little bit of water, they should have a light meal of food (avoid spicy, fatty and heavy food), and strict hygiene e.g. careful hand washing.

MEASLES INCUBATION PERIOD: 7-15 DAYS The signs and symptoms of Measles are: Cold – like symptoms (runny nose, watery eyes, swollen eyelids and sneezing, red eyes, sensitivity to light and a mild severe temperature (which may peak at over 40. 6C 0r 105F for several days, when the rash appears the fever will go up again. Tiny greyish- white spots (called koplik’s spots) in the mouth and throat, tiredness irritability and lack of energy, aches and pains, poor appetite. Dry cough and red- brown spotty rashes.

The treatments of these symptoms are: Use liquid baby paracetamol or ibuprofen to relieve their fever, aches and pains, closing curtains or dimming lights can help reduce light sensitivity. Use one piece of cotton wool per wipe for each eye. Gently clean the eye from inner to outer lid. Cough medicines are of little help and should not be given to children under the age of six, placing a bowl of water in the room will make the atmosphere. More humidity, can help to relieve a cough and children should drink regularly to prevent dehydration. MUMPS.

INCUBATION PERIOD: 14-21 DAYS The signs and symptoms of mumps are: Headache, joint pain, feeling sick, dry mouth, mild abdominal pain, feeling tired, loss appetite and a high temperature of 38C (100. 4f) or above. The treatments of these symptoms are: Get plenty of bed rest until your symptoms have passed. Over-the-counter (OTC) painkillers such as ibuprofen or paracetamol that can relieve pain (children aged 16 or under should not be given aspirin). Drink plenty of fluids, but avoid acidic drinks such as fruit juice as these can irritate the parotid glands.

Water is usually the best fluid to drink. Applying a cold compress to your swollen glands should help to reduce the pain. Eat foods that do not require a lot of chewing (soup, mashed potatoes and scrambled eggs). TONSILITIS INCUBATION PERIOD: VARIES The signs and symptoms of tonsillitis are: Red and swollen tonsils and Pain when swallowing High temperature (fever) over 38C (100. 4 F) Coughing, headache and Tiredness The pain on the child’s ears or neck and white pus – filled spots on your child’s tonsils Swollen lymph nodes (glands) in your child’s neck.

Loss of voice or changes to your child’s normal tone of voice The treatments of these symptoms are: They have to drink a lot of water but they may need a straw to drink. Give the child a pain relief according to their age. CHICKEN POX INCUBATION PERIOD: 10-14 DAYS The signs and symptoms of chicken pox are: Nausea and Headaches High temperature Loss of appetite and Itchy red spots The treatments of these symptoms are: Take pain killers for pain Avoid children scratching Keep the child hydrated Give them lose fitting clothes to wear.

GASTROENTERITIS INCUBATION PERIOD: 1-36 HOURS The signs and symptoms of gastroenteritis are: Vomiting, Headaches and Nausea Stomach cramps and A high temperature (fever) of 38-39C (100. 4-102. 2F) The treatments of these symptoms are: Encourage the child to drink a lot of water, seek a medical help straight away and give them antibiotics for this treatment 2. 2 DESCRIBE THE ACTIONS TO TAKE WHEN CHILDREN OR YOUNG PEOPLE ARE INURED. 2. 3 IDENTIFY CIRCUMSTANCES WHEN CHILDREN AND YOUNG PEOPLE MIGHT REQUIRE URGENT MEDICAL ATTENTION MENINGITIS.

If the child is experiencing early symptoms of meningitis, you have to call the first aider, manager, parents and the manager will call the ambulance. But you have to reassure the child that everything will be ok and someone will look after you. In this instance the child will need to undergo medical treatment in the hospital in the ICU (intensive care unit). CANCER If the child has cancer they would receive a lot of medical help such as medication, counselling, visit special day groups. They would receive extra support by family and friends.

Also teachers and support staff. They would also visit their own hospital on a regular basis for treatment and test. If the child is starting to deteriote contact the emergency service immediately and alert them about the child’s illness and concerns. Following that the child will be admitted to the hospital to ensure the state of well-being is maintainable and therefore professionals can treat the child. ———————– TDA 2. 2 SAFEGUARDING THE WELFARE OF CHILDREN AND YOUNG PEOPLE BY: RENIELLA PADILLA TO: YASMIN JUDD.

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Illnesses Signs and Symptoms Common Cold. Headaches Sore throat Blocked nose Runny nose Temperature Weakness Cough Sneezing Lack of appetite Dysentery / sickness. Diarrhoea Vomiting Dehydrated Loss of appetite Weakness Stomach ache Chicken-Pox. Blister like rash Itchy Temperature Mumps. Swollen …

When you go out to the park, or even your backyard, you are exposed to ticks. Ticks are small arachnids, which are joint-legged invertebrate animals. They live off of the blood of mammals, birds, and reptiles. Furthermore, you may or …

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