Ac 2.1 the Signs and Symptoms of Childhood Illnesses

|Learner name: |Sarah Armstrong | |Qualification: |Level 2 Supporting teaching and learning in schools | |Unit number & title: |Unit 6 Safeguarding the welfare of children and young people | | | | | |AC 2.

1 The signs and symptoms of common childhood illnesses | | | |Illness | |Signs and symptoms | | | |Chickenpox | |Itchy red spots with a white centre | | | |Tonsillitis | |Fever and sore throat, with enlarged tonsils covered in white spots | | | |Measles | |Slight fever and a red rash starting | |behind the ears and then spreading all over the body Slight fever and a red rash starting | |behind the ears and then spreading all over the body | | | |German measles (rubella).

| |Fever, runny nose, headache, white spots inside mouth and brownish-red spots Fever, runny nose, headache, white spots inside mouth and | |brownish-red spots | | | |Meningitis | |Headache, fever, dislike of bright light, stiffness and dark red spots that do not disappear with pressure | | | |Conjunctivitis | |Red, sore eyes that are itchy and | |may be sticky | | | |Flu | |Headaches, weakness | | | |Diarrhoea/ vomiting | |Diarrhoea, stomach pains/ vomiting, dehydrating | | | |Glandular fever | |Fatigue, sore throat, swollen glands, fever | | | |Impetigo | |Red sores around mouth and nose, developing into yellow-brown crusts | | | |Ringworm | |Skin ringworm – ring-liked red rash with raised rim; scalp patches on scalp which may feel inflamed and tender | | | | | | | |.

2. 2 The actions to take when children or young people are ill or injured: | | | |Stay calm | |Assess the situation | |Decide if it is urgent of medical attention | |Urgent attention alert the qualified first aider/ dial 999 | |Minor injury like minor cuts, bruises and abrasions can be dealt with within the school | |Children do not need to be sent home | |They can be washed and cleaned but never apply creams or lotions | |If a child has been feeling ill or has had a minor injury, then a report needs to be sent from the school to the parent or carer ( | |including if a child bumps their head) | |Information of this is recorded in the incident and accident report book | |If I observed a incident or accident details of this and the actions I took is also needed in the report book | |.

Make a note as soon after the event | |A manager or member of staff with authority will complete and sign the report | |Serious accidents have to be reported to the Health and safety Executive by law | | | | | |2. 3 Identifying circumstances when children or young people might require urgent medical attention: | | | |Severe bleeding | |Unconsciousness | |Choking | |Breathing difficulties | |Head injuries | |Epileptic seizure | |Suspected fractures | |When it is suspected that children have taken drugs or abused substances | |Disorientation | | | |2. 4 The actions to take to emergency situations including: fires, security incidents, missing children or young people | | | |Fire (gas leaks or bomb scare): | | | |Raise the alarm | |Evacuate the building, following the schools procedure | |Assemble at the nearest point.

For example, in the playground | |Make sure the register is available to check all children are out of the building | | | |Security: | | | |Signing-in procedures/ visitor badges ( i have to do this when entering school on my placement, writing my name, date, car registration | |number, company, time I arrived and time I left and the number of my visitors badge) | |Security locks on doors and windows | |Procedures for collection of younger pupils | |Registration | |If I see a visitor with no badge in the school I would approach and ask are they lost or who are they looking for | |.

If I was concerned about this person I would seek the help of someone higher | | | |When children are missing: | | | |Report to the teacher immediately | |Ensuring that other children and present are safe – checking the register | |Checking all areas of the school grounds | |Inform the child’s parents | |Inform the police | | | |Learner signature: | |Date: | | |Assessor signature: | |Date: | | |Assessor name: | | |.

Cold symptoms usually begin with a sore throat, which usually goes away after a day or two. Nasal symptoms, runny nose, and congestion follow, along with a cough by the fourth and fifth days. Fever is uncommon in adults, but …

Answer 2-1 Most children and young people will experience some episodes of illness in their life. Common illnesses, like coughs and colds, are not usually serious. However, illnesses like meningitis are more serious and will need specialist medical care. Illnesses, …

ILLNESS| INCUBATIONPERIOD| SYMPTOMS| ACTION| TREATMENT| Common Cold| 1-3 days| Running or blocked nose, headache, temperature | Contact parents/carers. Use disposable tissues| Rest, plenty of fluids| Chicken Pox| 10-14 days| Fever, very itchy rash, with blister –like appearance| Contact Parents/carers isolate …

Illnesses Signs and Symptoms Common Cold. Headaches Sore throat Blocked nose Runny nose Temperature Weakness Cough Sneezing Lack of appetite Dysentery / sickness. Diarrhoea Vomiting Dehydrated Loss of appetite Weakness Stomach ache Chicken-Pox. Blister like rash Itchy Temperature Mumps. Swollen …

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