Safeguarding: Common Cold and Headaches Itchy Skin

(2. 1) Signs and symptoms of common childhood illnesses Common cold Blocked nose, caused by build up of phlegm or mucus Nasal pain and irritation Sneezing Runny nose, the discharge is usually clear and runny at first before becoming thicker over the course of the infection Coughing A hoarse voice A general sense of feeling unwell Slap Cheek – viral illness which usually affects children 6-10yrs Bright red rash on cheeks High temperature Headaches Itchy skin Flu High temperature General aches and pains Headaches Tiredness Sore throat Loss of appetite Nausea Coughing Chicken Pox.

Initially flu like symptoms as above Rash starts as small itchy red spots that develop a blister on top and become intensely itchy. After 1-2 days the fluid becomes cloudy and crusts over, then they fall off naturally. They generally appear in clusters which can form anywhere on the body. In rare cases children can become severely unwell and develop abnormal symptoms like pains in the chest, difficulty breathing and the skin surrounding the blisters can become red and painful. Scarlet Fever Takes 2-5 days to appear Sore throat Headaches Fever Rash develops within 12-48 hrs later with above symptoms.

Starts with red blotches which turn into fine pink / red rash which feels like sand paper. Swollen neck glands Loss of appetite Nausea White coating on the tongue which peels a few days later, leaving it red and swollen, sometimes referred to as strawberry tongue Tonsillitis Sore throat High temperature Coughing Headaches White pus filled spots on the tonsils (2. 2) Describe actions to take when children/young people are ill or injured. If a child shows signs of illness or are not feeling well, the school will inform the parents, so they can take them home.

All schools must have at least one qualified first-aider – In my school all staff are trained in first aid. When dealing with minor cuts, bruises or grazes the first-aider would apply ice-packs, clean with water/sterile wipes, or dress as necessary. In all cases, gloves MUST be worn and lotions or creams NEVER applied. Medicines should not be administered to children except by prior arrangement with the parent and head teacher. In the event of injury or illness, an incident report would be filled out and sent home to parents and also recorded in the school incident book.

Serious accidents have to be reported to the health and safety executive by law. (2. 3) Circumstances when children/young people might require urgent medical attention. Choking or difficulty with breathing Faints or loss of consciousness Potential and actual fractures Anaphylactic shock Severe bleeding Poisoning Electrocution Diabetic ‘hypo’ Head injury Epileptic seizure (2. 4) Describe the actions to take in response to emergency situations – Fires, security incidents, and missing children or young people. a) Fires In the event of a fire, the first concern is to remove children from the building immediately.

Each classroom has a list of fire instructions particular to that room. Exit points are indicated and staff are asked to familiarise themselves with the room which they work. On hearing the bell, the class teacher instructs the children to stop what they are doing and line up quietly to leave by the emergency exit and go to the top playground where they line up in class order. The register is then taken. Any classes already in the playground should just stay there. The school secretary takes the register to the teachers who check there own classes. Classroom assistants have designated areas to check before leaving the building.

Staff & children stay in these positions until the head teacher indicates it is safe to return to classrooms. The head teacher co-ordinates practices (at least 1 per term) and any real situations, the secretary does the job in the heads absence. Staff is asked to make sure they know where the fire extinguishers are but only trained staff should use them. Emergency Services (999) are contacted by the school secretary from the office. b) Security Incidents Unauthorised access, members of the public or parents. Threats of physical violence to staff Doors or gates being left open or unlocked.

Vandalism Weapons being found All security incidents should be reported to your supervisor or someone higher up the ladder. It is important to follow school procedures such as; Signing in / visitors wearing badges Keeping doors locked When & where to collect children Who can collect children Registration c) Missing children or young people If a child / children are missing the actions to take are; Report to the teacher responsible Check register and ensure other children are present and safe Check school and grounds Inform the child’s parents Inform the police.

Identify the current legislation, guidelines, policies and procedures for safeguarding the welfare of young children. 2. 1 Identify the signs and symptoms of common childhood illnesses. IllnessSign and symptoms Chicken pox Child generally feels unwell to begin with and may …

Illnesses Signs and Symptoms Common Cold. Headaches Sore throat Blocked nose Runny nose Temperature Weakness Cough Sneezing Lack of appetite Dysentery / sickness. Diarrhoea Vomiting Dehydrated Loss of appetite Weakness Stomach ache Chicken-Pox. Blister like rash Itchy Temperature Mumps. Swollen …

Ebola. This virus has been in the news for quite a bit now, hasnt it? For those who dont really know about the Ebola virus, let me give you a brief, but precise explanation about it. The Ebola virus was …

Answer 2-1 Most children and young people will experience some episodes of illness in their life. Common illnesses, like coughs and colds, are not usually serious. However, illnesses like meningitis are more serious and will need specialist medical care. Illnesses, …

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