Ebola: Common Cold and Ashton Honors Sophmore

Ebola. This virus has been in the news for quite a bit now, hasnt it? For those who dont really know about the Ebola virus, let me give you a brief, but precise explanation about it. The Ebola virus was first discovered in two African countries (Sudan and the Congo, then known as Zaire) in 1976. The affected reigon in Congo was near the Ebola River, which was how the virus got its name. Scientists believe the virus spread to humans who had contact with the blood or bodily fluids of infected animals, including bats, monkeys, chimpanzees, gorillas, forest antelope and porcupines (Courtsey Of Washington Post).

What I learned from this particular article about Ebola is that for one, this virus can disguise itself like the common cold. It says in the article, What Is Ebola and How Do People Catch It? Says that the symptoms can include: •Sudden onset of fever •Muscle Aches •Weakness •Sore Throat These symptoms are also followed by: •Vomiting •Diarrhea •And a Rash However, if you have the common cold, this does not mean that you have Ebola!

Unfortaunately, I also learned that as this malignant virus progresses in the victims body, the victim develop internal bleeding in the internal organs and on the outside openings of the body. I also think that this particular article is very important for people to read because it informs them like how it informed me about me about how Ebola can malevolently disguise itself like the common cold until you experience blood coming out of your openings.

It also teaches the reader how Ebola spreads from person to person. For example in the same article, it says that Ebola is spread by direct human contact with blood or bodily fluids of an infected person. To wrap this one article up in a nutshell, Ebola is a virus; therefore we must take preacutions. However, the usual hand washing isnt going to cut it. This also means none of the nosepicking and stuff. To assuage people’s concerns,the myths that surround this virus are not true. I also think that it is best not to blow Ebola out of proportion. As long as you keep yourself healthy, you should be not be so worried about the virus.

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