Safeguarding adults

Signs and symptoms ?Cuts ?Bruises ?Burns ?Grip marks ?Black eyes ?Unusual pattern or location of injury Sexual abuse – refers to any action that pressures or coerces someone to do something sexually they don’t want to do. Signs and symptoms ?Pain, itching or bruises around breasts or genital area ?Torn, stained or bloody underclothing ?Sexually transmitted diseases ?Vaginal/anal bleeding ?Pregnancy Emotional/psychological abuse- is a range of non-physical controlling behaviours that cause emotional damage and undermine a person’s sense of well-being.

Signs and symptoms ?depression ?fear?anxiety ?behaviour changes when a caregiver enters or leaves the room ?Loss of sleep Financial abuse – is the misuse of a person’s funds and assets; obtaining property and funds without his/her knowledge and full consent, or making a decision for someone who is incapable (mentally incapable people) that is not in their best interest. ?Signs and symptoms ?Unpaid bills ?No money for food, clothing, or medication ?Unexplained withdrawal of money from someone’s bank account ?

Belongings disappear Institutional abuse – is the mistreatment of people brought about by poor or inadequate care or support, or poor practice that affects the whole care setting. It occurs when the individual’s wishes and needs are sacrificed for the smooth running of a group, service or organisation. Signs and symptoms ?Restrictive bed times ?Not providing adequate activities for all disabilities and impairments ?Rigid visiting times ?Lack of consideration of dietary requirements ?Lack of adequate physical care (messy appearance) Self neglect –is a behavioral condition in which an individual neglects to attend to their basic needs, such as personal hygiene, appropriate clothing, feeding, or tending appropriately to any medical conditions they have. Signs and symptoms ?

Dehydration, malnutrition, untreated or improperly attended medical conditions, and poor personal hygiene ?Hazardous or unsafe living conditions/arrangements (e. g. , ino indoor plumbing, no heat, no running water) ?Unsanitary or unclean living (e. g. , animal/insect infestation, no functioning toilet, fecal/urine smell); ?Inappropriate and/or inadequate clothing, lack of the necessary medical aids (e. g. , eyeglasses, hearing aids, dentures).

Neglect by others – is when a caregiver does not provide the essential daily living needs for a person who is dependent upon them, for things such as food, clothing, shelter, bathing, medication etc. Signs and symptoms ?Malnutrition ?Untreated medical problems ?Bed sores ?Confusion ?Over-sedation Correct actions to take if you suspect an individual is being abused First of all make sure the person is not in immediate danger and if required seek medical attention immediately. Inform your line manager or supervisor immediately and tell them everything you have heard or observed but try not to let anyone else over hear you.

You could even report to social services if not comfortable reporting to line manager and make sure everything is recorded in writing. Correct actions to take if an individual tells you they are being abused Once again make sure the person is not in immediate danger and if they need medical help, do this straight away, you may also need to get the police involved and do not disturb anything that may be used as evidence. When that person tells you, listen to them and make sure they understand that you are taking them seriously but do not probe for detail, emphasize with them but do not jump to conclusions. Do not promise complete confidentiality; explain to them that you have a duty to report the concern to your manager. How to ensure that any evidence of abuse is kept safe ?

Written reports are kept safe away from other residents and other agencies whom do not need to read it. ?Any evidence is left untouched ?Any photograghs that may beed to be taken always ask for consent first ?Tell the person not to move or do anything that may effect the investigation National policies that set out requirements for safeguarding individuals ?Safeguarding adults 2005 ?Human rights act 1998 ?No secret Act ?Mental capacity act 2005 Local and organisational systems for safeguarding ?

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