Progressions from Using the Training Program

There are a number of advantages to be had from undertaking the training program and no obvious disadvantages that can be thought of immediately. Some of the stations included in the program can be fun to carry out and only the odd one or two that can be slightly tedious. Undertaking any sort of training will be beneficial to your health in general and this one improves the state of your body, your fitness, and how you feel about yourself mentally.

There are a number of physical progressions you would go through over the weeks as a program is carried out. As the weeks go by you would be able to see and feel differences in the state of your fitness. You would improve your skills with the motor fitness training methods and would improve the state of your body with the physical fitness training. The program that I have created is no different from any others in the terms stated above.

As the weeks go by you would be improving the strength mostly in the leg muscles, such as the quadriceps and hamstrings, and your explosive strength would be greatly improved with events such as vertical jumping and standing broad jumping. This would allow you to go on to be able to do more of the activities mentioned for longer periods of time each week as your body would be getting strong enough to cope with a steady rate of exercise. Undergoing this program would allow you to carry out the activities with greater ease of movement because your flexibility would be getting better from exercise such as the sit and reach station.

In this program endurance is covered in a number of different activities and great improvements in this would lead to better performances in other activities such as sprinting. Motor skills and actual on the ball skills would be improving with the motor fitness activities such as balancing or juggling the ball. At the end of and during this program you would notice a great change in your body.

You would be feeling stronger, physically and mentally, your body would be able to cope with harder workloads with every activity done and your muscles would be strong. Your health and fitness will have improved greatly and the skills for the sport you are training for (football in this case) will be getting better. The end result from such a program is a healthier life with an improvement in fitness and skills but a program like this would have to maintained and expanded upon in order to stay healthy and to keep the body and muscles in good shape.

References Visible links Hidden links:

The training program I have designed is set up in such a fashion that not only will lead to better fitness if the activities are carried out efficiently but will also allow anyone undergoing the program to warm themselves up …

In general after the six weeks of training using the program I had devised I found that many of my physical and motor skills had improved. Some of these skills were improved greatly whereas others not so much. For example my …

planning of training program i doing my training program on football you need alot of fitness to play in midfeild and you need to stay away from injuries and hope to keep your performance level high. I will inhance my play by setting …

Well the aim of my training program is to increase my fitness level after the six weeks of the program. It will also help develop my football skills and my stamina and endurance while playing football. My current fitness level …

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