Progressed my body

The task set this week was simple. It was not too hard and pressurising and I successfully completed it everyday of the week. The task got easier throughout the week as my muscles got adapted to the training more and more. The task was not as easy as I thought it would be at first, however as I progressed through the week it became less taxing. The run was harder the second time round as my legs were more tired (not a lot) than they were before the first run.

The 100m run is a good length. It is not a hard length to run and is not too short a length to run for the purposes of this exercise programme. The walk back after the first run was good as it provided a short rest period before the second race. If the rest period would have not been available then I would be running 200m flat out which would have been harder than 100m. This is because the longer distances, the longer the time spent running anaerobically therefore more build up of lactic acid in the muscles used. Next week will be the same; however the number of repeats will be 4 instead of 1. That will be more of a challenge as I feel that lactic acid may build up in my muscles.

Week 2: The task for this week was similar to the task set for the previous week. It involved running 100m again but this time 5 times instead of the 2 times done last week. After last week the 100m did not look to taxing. However after doing it 4 times, the 5 time the run is very taxing and hard. After 4 runs the 30 second slow walk back is not enough time to get rid of any lactic acid in the muscles that has built up from the anaerobic sprinting. This build up of lactic acid meant that the 4th and 5th runs were painful and tiring.

The task was not easy however as the week progressed my body got more used to the challenge and it became a little easier. I feel that the workout was good because it was pressuring, but not too much as it was completed successfully. I would not change it as it tested my speed to see how long it lasted aswell as my stamina. Week 3: The task this week was much harder than the tasks for the previous two weeks.

This is because the distance was increased from 100m to 150m. I found that running 150m flat out was very hard and I ended up slowing down considerably towards the end of the run which meant that I was not running flat out for a part of the race. This is because lactic acid was building up in my muscles which was painful and therefore stopped my muscles from working as efficiently as they were at the beginning of the run. This is why I then for the second day of the week and onwards I practiced on running a high speed that I could maintain (more or less) for the whole run. I turned the workout aim into finding the highest speed I can maintain for the 150m run.

I enjoyed this as  t was a different challenge to what I had been doing for the past two weeks as it did not involve me running flat out for 100m. Week 4: The task for this week was again similar to that of the previous week but this time with the exception of running down and up hill with rest periods in-between each run. Running down a hill was easy and it made me run faster due to the pull of gravity. The rest period was good aswell as it let me fully recover from the previous run and get ready for the next run. The 100m run uphill was harder than the run downhill as I running away in the opposite direction to the pull of gravity.

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