Private fitness clubs

(a) How could skiing on a dry ski slope meet the requirements of physical recreation and sport? (4 marks) Recreation- is usually done in free time. It is done by choice. It brings about good feelings and is enjoyable. Sport- Involves structured training, which is goal specific, and physically demanding. There is a pre determined set of rules in which participants must follow. Sport requires coaching. (b) Dry ski slopes are an example of an urban adaptation of an outdoor and adventurous activity.

(i) Give two other examples of outdoor and adventurous activities and state how one of these could be adapted within an urban environment. (3 marks) Outdoor climbing > Indoor climbing wall Skiing and Snowboard > Dry ski slopes Orienteering could be done within school grounds (ii) Outdoor and adventurous activities have been adapted for people with disabilities. What factors have allowed these developments to occur? (3 marks) In society there is generally increasingly less discrimination and therefore more equality.

Developments in technology and improved facilities (i. e. – carbon fibre blades for amputees) Disabled athletes pushing to participate in activities due to higher levels of self-esteem Inspirational role models, for example paralympians. 3 (b) How did the 19th century public schools and universities influence the development of games and their spread into wider society? (4 marks)Games- they developed more sophisticated set of rules. They developed more skills and strategies in particular sports. Development of competitions, for example inter house to inter school.

Spread into society- Factories started putting together teams. Old schoolboys took their games to their particular working conditions. Development of clubs outside of school. (c) Why was participation in sport by the working class delayed compared with participation by the middle and upper classes in the 19th century? (3 marks) Due to a lack of facilities because of lower pay. Traditional sports such as mob football in urban areas were banned in 19th century. Lack of energy in working class due to punishing working hours.

The working class didn’t begin schooling until 1870, which caused a delay in awareness of recreational activities. (d) Provision of leisure facilities, such as parks and baths, began during the Victorian era and continues today with local authorities. Why were such facilities provided? Initially as a form of social control, an attempt to lower criminal activity. Attempt to increase amount of sociability amongst public, encouragement of social interaction. In modern society it provides people with employment opportunities.

The baths improved hygiene of public. (4 marks) (e) During the past decade there has been an increase in membership of private fitness clubs. What are the advantages and disadvantages of this for the general population? (4 marks) Advantages- Provides better quality of facilities. Provides more opportunity to develop fitness and health. Provides employment opportunities for general population. Disadvantages- Some of the general public are unable to afford private fitness clubs. Public services could suffer as a consequence, as it drives people away.

There are also televisions that show things such as football match on sky sports. This would allow football fans to go to the pub together and enjoy the game. It creates a relaxed and friendly atmosphere. This gives people the …

Fitness is also tested once a player is selected. This is done by a series of fitness tests such as the multistage bleep test, 30metre sprints, one rep max , hand grip dynamiter ect… These fitness tests are carried out …

For general fitness, an individual needs to be in good health and be able to carry out every day tasks comfortably. She or he should also take part in a number of physical activities at a low level of performance …

What is the aim of my fitness program? The aim of my fitness program is to improve my performance of a sport; the sport I have chosen to do it for is Basketball. To improve I need to think about …

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