Voluntary Sports Clubs

There are also televisions that show things such as football match on sky sports. This would allow football fans to go to the pub together and enjoy the game. It creates a relaxed and friendly atmosphere. This gives people the chance to make new friends and gives them a sense of belonging. Playing structure- Croygas FC provides many sporting opportunities for people of all ages including football teams from the ages of 7-17. There are also usually 2 teams to every age group. And that’s not all, when you get to the age of 17 there is a men’s team which is called the 1st team. These teams are all based in the Epsom and Ewell League which isn’t the best league so the standards are that high.

The Croygas Cricket Club also provides teams for all ages. There are youth teams and adult teams which again are known as the 1st team. There are professional coaches that help out with the younger teams. The 1st team are in the Division 5 of the Surrey Championship League and they are near to promotion. Facilities- The facilities at Croygas FC are average. The club house includes a bar area with seating and a wide screen television which show live football matches. The bar area however is small. There is a dance hall which is of reasonable size can hold about 150 people in it. There are facilities for teams like changing rooms and showers that they can use but the teams usually turn up already in kit so they aren’t really used.

There are 2 junior sized football pitches and one adult sized football pitch at Croygas. The problem with this is when I played for Croygas we always played on the junior pitches and they were too small for teams of our ages. The first team gets priority over the main pitch which is the largest and in the best condition. There are also netball pitches which can be converted into tennis courts. In the middle of the field is the cricket pitch which is very well looked after but it is usually sealed off so that no one goes on it. There is a bowls pitch which is secluded the reason being so that nobody can get onto the pitch. Again the pitch is really well looked after which is why it is sealed off.

Location- Croygas FC is situated in Roundshaw near the Roundshaw estate which isn’t the nicest area to live in. However, it is right next to Wilson’s school and there are many local houses around the area so many people could go to Croygas and have a drink or join a club. It is also not too far from Croydon and very close to Wallington which are big towns so it could attract a lot of people as it is local for them. People who are already members of the club will encourage their friends to join and play for the teams so this will make more people join the club from local areas. There are many job opportunities for people that live around the area.

M1- Compare the range of provision for voluntary sector sports clubs in the UK The two voluntary sports clubs that I have chosen are Croygas FC and Purley Sports Club. The differences between the two clubs are: Croygas Sports Club Purley Sports Club Facilities- Croygas only has one tennis court which is usually used as a netball court. It has a bowls green, a cricket pitch and 3 football pitches. The football pitches however are all cramped up and there is only 1 good size football pitch.

Facilities- they have 18 tennis courts, 6 of which are on grass and 5 of these tennis courts are floodlight all year round. They have 5 glass-back squash courts which have their own changing rooms. An excellent well looked after lacrosse pitch, 2 senior netball courts and 1 indoor court. A cricket pitch and bowls green in superb condition. Location- this club is near Wallington, Croydon and Wilson’s school. This will offer a lot of opportunities to the locals that which to use the club.

Location- the location of this club is better than Croygas. It has more towns closer to it such as Wallington, Croydon, Banstead, Coulsdon, and Sanderstead. This therefore offers many more people the opportunity to use the club as it is local to more towns. Playing Structure- they offer many different teams for many ages which is good because it gives people of all ages the opportunity to play. This includes cricket, football, bowls and trampoline.

Playing structure- this club doesn’t have a football team at all, which might not appeal to many people because football is the most popular sport in this country and many people play it. However it does offer a variety of sports for both boys and girls who want to play sport e.g. lacrosse for girls, tennis for boys and girls etc. Roles of the club- Croygas has a bar area, a dance hall with music, a television to show sporting events, and they organise social events such as quizzes and competitions. This is to gather a sense of belongingness for the local community, offer people the chance to make new friends.

Roles of the club- Purley Sports Club has a bar also, which is privately owned. It has a function room hire, which has been used for wedding receptions, parties, dinners, conferences and social meetings. This also allows the community to mix with each other and socialise in a friendly environment. This club is in the public sector, it is funded by the government. This is club is in the voluntary sector, people give up their spare time to work at this club, only the secretary gets paid to work here.

And lots more. Local leisure centers, and sports centers provide activities and facilities for football to happen for all ages. Football does not have really had some sort of grading for the sport. Footballers are given a title depending on which …

This document will show the provision and facilities that are within my local area of Surrey, Also the facilities nationally. Firstly a quick brief description of the sport I have chosen. Football can also be recognized as soccer and is in …

The sports industry as a whole has a huge influence on particular sports such as football. The ways it affects the industry is varying for example as well as successful teams particular national teams and icons such as Beckham can …

It is estimated that around 70 thousand boys play football, for either a school or club team, at each age level between the age ranges of Under 11 to Under 16, and that over 500 thousand play between the ages …

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