Poor communication

Communication is not as easy as it is cut out to be. There are basic rules that communicators must follow to effectively send or receive messages effectively. For example when sending messages it is important to own the message by using first person verb ‘1’ and making the message short and concise. Congruency in gesture and verbal signals is important. It is good to configure message to the audience’s frame of reference, describe feelings articulately, use body language, use suitable tone of voice, command attention using eye contact an varied non verbal actions, recognize group members feelings and most importantly ask for feedback.

In order to ensure messages is received effectively it is important to acknowledge senders feelings by non evaluative paraphrasing senders message, expressing perceived messages to clarify your interpretation and negotiating with sender just to check whether the both of you share the same meaning to the message. Underneath the communication process is the importance of active listening and assessment especially on the leader’s part.

From the perspective of group dynamics, a leader through communication is able to gain insight into the emotional, state of group members, and be aware of group sense of whole i. e. , are they under duress, are they challenged, what is the relationship between group members in respects to conflicts and unnecessary tensions among others. This information gathering is essential in getting to the root of the problem an eventually solving it. Other important factors influencing effective group communication is tolerance rapport, gender sensitivity and culture, self disclosure and so on.

For example last week my boss issued a stern memo warning against lateness in handling in jobs. In his memo, he said that late jobs would be fined heavily in the hope of deterring this behaviour. This was one-way communication as we were not allowed to air our views on the subject. Consequently, the day characterized with frustration, discontents and resentment towards the boss because group members felt there were variables that he did not take to consideration. This is poor communication.

We live in a world where communication is a vital process of day to day life. Without communication the world would be in turmoil people would be in pain, there would be no jobs because you wouldn’t know what to …

Effective communication is always necessary within the family, social, and business context. Even in the healthcare system, any group could not function properly in the absence of effective communication. Effective communication, which involves the sending and receiving of message between …

My research will be focusing on the use and importance of nonverbal communication in sports. From all the major sports, I will concentrate on baseball, basketball and football. In each of these three sports, nonverbal behaviour is an important factor …

To communicate with someone is to exchange information or news with them. To communicate is the beginning of understanding. Communication is considered a vital parts of care work as it enables people to store information, without communication, a relationship cannot …

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