Planning of training program

planning of training program i doing my training program on football you need alot of fitness to play in midfeild and you need to stay away from injuries and hope to keep your performance level high. I will inhance my play by setting my self achievable targets, i will go for a run around my park for 12 minutes and see how many laps i will do i hope to do 15 laps, I hope to do 70 kick ups in 2 minutes with out the ball hitting the floor and i hope to do 50 press ups and 50 sit ups to enhance my strenght. I will grade my self by every task i complete if it takes a long time i will grade that to a task which is very easy different i will grade my self out of 10 and grade my self every day.

I will test my current fitness by doing all my tasks at the start of the program then i will test my self at the end of my program to see if my training has improved my fitness. I will put my test results into a graph to see the results more clearly, you will be able to see what i have improved at and what i have decreased at. I will link all my tasks to health related components to make sure that i improve every thing in football and not just what i need to improve, i will want to improve more than just i have wanted i will hopefully improve at everything.

There are alot of risks of getting injured in football. Potential risks in my program is if i try and push my self to far and pull amuscle or do something like that. I will always have a warm up before i do my training i will warm up all the muscles in my body that i am going to use in that exercise and all the muscles that are at risk during that exercise. I will make sure that well i am  running on the road that i dont slip over or make sure that i am not in the way of on coming traffic. I will mthe order of activities as easiest first then gradually go to the harder activities.

I will give my body a five minute rest between each activity so my body can recover and before i do the next activity i will warm up again. I will make sure that i do my program with the seasonal factors, by this i mean if it rains i will do all my exercises inside but i will be extra carefull i do not break nothing, it will be easier to do all my exercises outside because i will be using a ball. I have choosen these exercise because it will help with my strenght when i try and win the ball, the kick up will help with my balance and composure it will also help with my patience, the run around the park will help with endurance so that i last the whole ninety minutes and it will help with my speed, the press ups and the sit ups hopefully will help with my strenght and endurance.

The programme is suitable because the targets that are set can be acheived because i have made the programme so that not just i can do it that everyone can do it if they keep to the programme. There is alot of balance in my programme because you are not always running but you are praticing your strenght and not just your agility or balance. I have referred my programme to the principals of sport by trying to base my traing programme on the by using balance strenght, speed, agility etc. I will check my heart rate every time i have finished every exercise, i will then make these down on a chart to see if there i9s any differences.

The training program I have designed is set up in such a fashion that not only will lead to better fitness if the activities are carried out efficiently but will also allow anyone undergoing the program to warm themselves up …

My name is Terry Steadman and I am a keen sports player. At present I have no injuries or major health problems. I play competitive matches and tournaments in: cricket, football, rugby, cross-country running and middle-distance running. I represent a …

My aim for this coursework is to plan, perform, monitor and evaluate a health-related exercise/training programme for a sport of my choice which is football. Background information: I have chosen football because it’s a way to make new friends and to meet …

I want to get more fitter because I want to play as a centre midfielder in football, I have not had any injuries in the past apart from a few back problems. I think that for someone who is 14 years …

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